The Good Getter's Three Weekly Series


Hey hey!

In case you’re into routines (like me!) and would like to know the schedule I plan to roll out each week on the blog, here's the overall plan.I intend on writing three different series on three consistent days/week—Monday, Wednesday, & Friday—however, don’t be surprised if you see me poke my head in more often than that!


MONDAYS will be known as “Meet Me On The Mat” where I not only look back at how my weekend was spent, but I set the tone for the week ahead with an easy Monday Meditation/Mantra that anyone can follow and apply to their own lives.

WEDNESDAYS will be known as “What I'm Wicked Into” where you’ll learn about some of my most current obsessions when it comes to food, fitness, fashion, travel, and home decor—just to name a few. Think of Wednesday as my feature story for the week—the spot where I’ll share all the details about one main topic!

FRIDAYS will be known as “Feel Good Friday” and will include all the best when it comes to self-care and time spent with the most important relationship in your life—the one you have with yourself. Learn little tricks and tips to feeling healthy, more relaxed, and how to achieve your own contagious glow.

So excited for these three series and hope you are, too!Ari


What I'm Wicked Into: An Afternoon At Salt Cave Santa Barbara


My Feel-Good Food & Fitness Philosophy: Nothing’s off limits