Meet Me On The Mat: Self-Worth


Hey friends! How was your weekend?

Before I hand over this week's Monday mantra, here’s how Sam and I spent our weekend once we found out we had to reschedule our long weekend getaway to Santa Ynez Valley. Thanks a lottttt, #LARain.

FRIDAY was all rain, all day. Honestly, I don't think I've ever witnessed rain quite like that since I've lived here. It was super stormy—I'm talking horizontal downpours, flooded major freeways, trees down, and even our work power was flickering on and off. I was a little nervous to drive home after work but made it home just fine.

SATURDAY we had planned to leave around 9am to head north for our airbnb stay and partake in some wine tastings in the Los Olivos area, however, once I started texting back-and-forth with the owner, I could tell it wasn't going to work out.

The 101 freeway was closed in certain areas and the detoured route to the guest house was extremely windy and flooded. Needless to say, we were really bummed at first because you only get a few long weekends a year... Luckily, we were able to rebook for mid-March, so stay tuned for a full recap then!Once we realized we'd be staying local for the weekend, we headed to Bea Bea's in Burbank for breakfast. A co-worker of mine recommended this popular spot and it did not disappoint. I got the Blue Hawaiian pancakes and Sam, their breakfast quesadilla with tequila lime chicken sausage. I went to town on mine, no joke. #worthit


I'll always be a sweet>savory kinda gal.The rest of the day was spent lounging. I think both of us had finally hit a wall from the busy work week, so binging on TV and laying low just felt right.

SUNDAY was the pick of the weekend weather-wise so we made sure to rise pretty early and get a lot done. I took a zumba class at 24 Hour Fitness with one of my favorite instructors, grocery shopped (we're meal-prepping an easy dinner for the week I'll be sure to share), and got some wedding stuff done.

What was the best part of your weekend?

MEET ME ON THE MAT: Self-worth

Here's this week's new mantra. Soak it in...worthDo you ever stop and remind yourself of how amazing you are and just how worthy you are of good things? If you don't, here's your chance to start."Good" is so vague, I know... but that's the point here.You're worthy of a good steady-paying job, a good meal with friends, a good day-off (like perhaps today for President's Day), a good glass of wine, a good opportunity, a good trip somewhere new, a good date out...Wherever this new week takes you, just know—you are worthy of all things good that make their way into your space. It's the energy you put out there that pulls these possibilities toward you, so stay in tune with what you're calling and remain positive to what the week might hold for you. Attract what you need and desire.Keep reminding yourself each morning, noon, and night this week that... "I am worthy of good things." If you think otherwise, you're just plain silly;)Go get 'em,AriOther "Meet Me On The Mat"posts:- Meet Me On The Mat: Release- Meet Me On The Mat: Show Up- Meet Me On The Mat: Excitement


What I'm Wicked Into: Thrifting


Feel Good Friday: The Travel Bug