Meet Me On The Mat: I Forgive


Good morning everyone!I hope you had a very restful weekend and made sure to have a lot of fun, too :) We were sure busy around here and are so looking forward to our trip to Massachusetts this week. 3 days and counting until we see so many family members and friends we adore.We have a stacked schedule of things to do for the wedding like getting our wedding license, our Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties, my bridal shower, my wedding hair trial, my dress fitting, and starting to put the favors and table names together. Phew!Anyway, back to this weekend. Here's a quick look at what we did before I hand over this week's awesome #MondayMantra.FRIDAY we were the coolest. The dryer in our building broke and we had about 3 loads of laundry to do before packing for our trip, so guess what we did? We headed to the local laundromat to take part in a wild Friday night of washing and drying.I think I had a pretty solid idea though... while our laundry was in, we could enjoy dinner next store at this cute Italian restaurant, Two Guys Pizza. A great way to still enjoy the start of the weekend but get our ish done! ;)SATURDAY started out with breakfast at a new (to us) spot called Wild Oak Cafe. We first heard about it on Eye On L.A., which is like New England's Phantom Gourmet TV show. Basically, these shows breakdown all the best local eateries and give you fun tips on their menus. When Eye on L.A. mentioned Wild Oak Cafe, we knew we'd have to check it out.I got this little gem.20170415_102749Later, we headed down to San Pedro to celebrate one little cutie's third birthday! I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but, Sam has a lot of family out here in CA, so when we moved out here a few years ago, we've been able to really grow close to them and celebrate so many events/holidays. They've made us feel right at home.[gallery ids="4159,4167" type="rectangular"]That cake though... with strawberries, bananas and layers of so much goodness—I devoured it. Little Raspberry Baking Co. knows what's up!Later that night, we drove over to Pasadena for a live podcast show Sam's been talking up for weeeeeeeeks!20170415_193734Basically, the podcast breaks down every layer of music in popular songs. So, they play just the guitar track and talk about that, and then the vocals... and so on.20170415_203223It's a music geek's dream! I will say, it was pretty cool to hear them detail Nirvana and Jimi Hendrix songs and to learn so many facts about those artists.20170415_194127If you're interested in more about these live podcasts in LA, check this out.SUNDAY I woke up on the later side and lazied around before heading to Glendora for a lovely Easter lunch with some relatives.20170416_122704We brought over candied sweet potatoes, which has been a hit of ours with the fam. Personally, I can have a bite or two, but it's almost too sweet for me. Haha!The food game was strong for Easter, especially these Little Raspberry Baking Co. goodies!20170416_13290020170416_135526Later that night, we started packing up for our trip. When I tell you I have a lot to bring home for the wedding, I am not kidding. I've been hoarding a pile of things for months, haha! Cannot wait to start putting everything together.

MEET ME ON THE MAT: I ForgiveThis week's Monday Mantra is so good and something I've learned over the years—how to forgive.How many of you have ever been guilty of holding a grudge toward someone for a wrongdoing that hurt you? I think we all have one time or another...Whether someone lied, didn't support you, or didn't explain something properly—there are plenty of reasons why someone may hurt our feelings and we choose to hold it against them/carry that baggage around with us everyday.Here's a lesson I've learned:In the long run, choosing to not forgive someone—whether it be after a fight, a misunderstanding or an embarrassment—only hurts you. Why is this when the problem stemmed from the other person? Because you’re the one that cares and carries more pain from it.I ForgiveForgiveness allows you to let things go and free up space in your mind and heart. It gives you back the freedom to not care anymore about petty things that make no serious impact on your happiness and accomplishment.Saying "I Forgive" presents you with the resilience it takes to dust off your shoulders, smile, and keep trucking forward.Forgive the person that slammed the door in your face instead of holding it. Forgive the person that cut you off on the road. Forgive the person that said you did/said something you didn't. Forgive the person that made a promise and broke it.Don't waste your precious energy on pleasing others or walking on eggshells in discomfort.Say "I Forgive," move on and let go whatever/whoever it is that has held you back from reaching your full potential.This may be my favorite mantra yet...Forgiveness is key,Ari*Feel free to contact me about the handmade pink flowers included in this post & for more info about Little Raspberry Baking Co.
Other “Meet Me On The Mat” posts:Meet Me On The Mat: I've Got ThisMeet Me On The Mat: Go SlowlyMeet Me On The Mat: Stay KindMeet Me On The Mat: Be FearlessMeet Me On The Mat: Wake Up With PurposeMeet Me On The Mat: Write Your StoryMeet Me On The Mat: Self-WorthMeet Me On The Mat: ReleaseMeet Me On The Mat: Show UpMeet Me On The Mat: Excitement



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