Jamaican Me Crazy: A Tropical Honeymoon
Good morning friends!Hope you're all having a great week so far. It feels good to be back into the swing of things after a couple weeks out of LA and not on a routine. We were so busy planning our wedding this past year, I think we forgot what it was like to have down time, haha, so our honeymoon was much needed.In case you missed it, I shared a recap of our June 10th wedding on the blog Monday.Today though, it's all about our honeymoon in Negril, Jamaica.Two days after our wedding, we packed up (again) and took the five hour flight to Jamaica, which wasn't too shabby at all. We stopped on the way in Orlando for a short layover and then we were in Jamaica by noon.We decided to go to Jamaica for a few reasons. We wanted a tropical trip, something that was off of the east coast (since we were already out that way), and something all-inclusive where we wouldn't have a single worry while there. Plus, Sam had never been outside of the country (other than a quick trip to Montreal when he was younger) so he was dying to get a taste of the Caribbean.Since our wedding already had taken up a week of our vacation, we stuck to a five-night honeymoon. It ended up being awesome and didn't feel too short at all. Instead of going into all the details of everything, here's a photo recap with some sprinkled in fun facts!Our hotel: Sunset at the Palms in Negril, Jamaica (all-inclusive, adults only, tree-top bungalows, 5-star restaurant, theme nights, swim-up pool bar, right near the beach, beach grill)The Beach (we were staying near a beautiful bay that was really chill and not crowded at all)
YS Falls in Saint Elizabeth Parish (Jamaica's second largest waterfall, 7-tiered, rope swinging)
Natural Pool at Saint Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica (refreshing cool waters, stone-covered bottom)
The Black River tour (crocodiles and other wild animals)
Rick's Cafe in Negril (tourist spot, cliff jumping, voted top beach bar)
Local jerk chicken and a "dirty banana" from Best in the West (of course I had to share a food pic... we ventured out into town for this sweet spot and we were NOT disappointed.)
'Til next time Jamaica! Yeah, mon...Be happy,Ari