Meet Me On The Mat: Be Your Biggest Fan

Hi there. :)How was your weekend?!I hope it was an awesome, relaxing time for you and you got to fill it up with a few things you love to do.Before we get into the flow of this week, I wanted to share some pics from the past few days. Enjoy!FRIDAY I went out for dinner and drinks with my colleague at a new spot—Hungry Crowd in Toluca Lake.Anytime a new restaurant is suggested, I'm all for it. Plus, I love that area so much that I'm always excited to explore it more.Hungry Crowd is super cute. They have some outdoor seating and then a really nice, minimalistic look inside.We both got a glass of white wine and then for Doriean, she had their shrimp ceviche and I got their scallops with a bacon and apricot sauce. Yum!We both agreed that it's a spot we'll have to go back to.After, we skipped (not literally) across the street to Forman's Whiskey Tavern—another one of our favorites—for some sangria. We were definitely on a wine kick. ;) Do you blame us?20170811_202038_resized.jpgSATURDAY I woke up feeling super sore because the day before I had taken a butt-kicking SWEAT workout at my yoga studio. It definitely isolated some muscles I hadn't used in awhile.So... I decided not to work out and take it easy for the day. Sometimes it just feels good to listen to your body.During the day, Sam and I ran a few errands like going to the bank, the post office, and the mall, where I picked up a few new products from Lush. Don't you just love that store? I'm obsessed.20170812_125036.jpgThen, we headed up the mountain a ways for lunch at John Sparr Tavern. We had never been but we had taken a mental note a few weeks ago to go ASAP.Lunch looked like this:20170812_12571120170812_13091820170812_13214020170812_132203Damn, that was good. Haha!Later that day, we just hung out at home and then with some friends in town for dinner at their place and then Holly gave some haircuts. ;)20170812_203643_resized.jpg20170812_223906_resized.jpgI made edible cookie dough for dessert. Next week I'll post the recipe!20170812_154545_resizedSUNDAY Sam and I took it easy, went grocery shopping and got ready for the week.Here are some new grocery finds I'm excited to try!20170813_103710_resized

MEET ME ON THE MAT: Be Your Biggest FanInsta.jpgHow common is it for people to down-play their greatness? Pretty common, huh...We're so easy to name our flaws by not as quick to list our awesome qualities. Why is this?When the going gets tough and we need the support of others, have we even tried turning inward to ourselves?I've been really amping up my "self talk" lately and you know what, it feels really good.Have you ever tried this? Or, is this an absolute foreign idea to you?Here's a simple way to give it a go: the next time you are feeling low about something, try to pick yourself back up by talking it through (either aloud or in your mind). Support yourself by telling yourself positive things that you respect about your character and all the things you've been doing right, instead of wrong.Quite simply, give yourself a motivational pep talk.You don't always have to turn to other people for a pick-me-up... you've got you!Don't overthink this exercise or feel that it's too weird for you... just see where it can take you!That's it for now.You're awesome,AriOther Recent Posts:What I’m Wicked Into: How To Make Your Next Dinner Party Extra Cute And Special Meet Me On The Mat: You Already Have The AnswerWhat I’m Wicked Into: Try The WorldMeet Me On The Mat: Make It A Habit Feel Good Friday: My Favorite California Road TripsWhat I’m Wicked Into: Loaded Potato SkinsMeet Me On The Mat: Lean InFeel Good Friday: The Good Getter Celebrates 6 Months!


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