Meet Me On The Mat: Make Time For Yourself
Good morning and Happy Monday!How are things going in your world? Have a fun weekend? They sure do fly by super fast, but I made sure to enjoy this one—especially after a busy one the weekend before.I've still going strong on my 30 Day Yoga Challenge (more on the first week of that this Wednesday!) and still trying some vegan foods here and there, though I'm not strictly vegan or vegetarian anymore. (Not gonna lie, that week was hard, haha!)Anyway, here's a look back at the last couple of days before we talk mantras. :)FRIDAY I took a "restore" yoga class after work and it was soooooo nice. It's the slowest class my studio offers and after a few days of power yoga style classes, I was ready for something more relaxing.This class basically uses props to set you up into comfy, meditative poses. The entire class is done slowly and with intention—everything from the breathing to moving. You hold each pose longer than normal—I would say around 4-5 minutes or so.I think I may take Sam to the next one. ;)After class, we chilled at home and had some tomato soup, a small pizza, and a little ice cream to top things off. Typical Friday, haha!SATURDAY I work up early for Day 5 of the challenge and got to the first flow class of the day. It's really always nice to take a morning class. It helps set the tone of the day for me and when I look around at everyone else there, I wonder if they feel the same way. The must be early birds, like me.Class was pretty tough, I'll say. We did a ton of core work, used straps to try and move into inversions, and did lots of planks.After class, Sam and I headed to a farmer's market in La Canada (a town about 15 minutes away) and had some fresh-squeezed juice and bought some cheeses for a new recipe we wanted to try.
So fresh and delish. We chilled in the park under a tree and just enjoyed our sunny Saturday together.Here's what our afternoon of cooking looked like...
Both recipes are from Anthony's Bourdain's cookbook "Appetites." (Remember that lasagne we made?)All his recipes seem to blow us away and so did these two: mac 'n cheese and spicy bar nuts!Later on, we went to see the remake of "It" and both really enjoyed it. I have a love/hate relationship with scary movies, but ya know what, this one actually didn't freak me out too much. It even had a campy vibe to the storyline—almost like Stranger Things—so that helped me feel a little less anxious watching it.Still though, I held Sam's hand mostly the whole time... hahaThe rest of the night, I blogged, snacked, and just lounged around. Not a crazy Saturday but very nice for me. :)SUNDAY was another early rise to do yoga in Eagle Rock. After class, I did some work, shopped, made some errands (does anyone else feel like the weekends are really the only time to get things done anymore?) and really just hung out for most of the day.I'm so ready for this exciting week ahead.We're seeing the one-night only showing of The Avett Brothers documentary "May It Last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers" on Tuesday and then going to the Eric Clapton concert on Wednesday. Pumped for both. Music's our fave.Now onto today's #MeetMeOnTheMat mantra.MEET ME ON THE MAT: Make Time For YourselfYou know who's really important? Like maybe the most important person in your life other than alllll your friends and allll your family members?You.Over the past year or so—well, really the past three months, more specifically—I've been practicing self-care and really feel proud/good about it.Making time for myself has been the greatest gift I could give myself. I'm showing up everyday for myself and really doing the things that make me happy. Of course there's yoga and zumba, but then there's going on walks, getting myself a new outfit, and heck, taking a nap.... all really good stuff for my well-being.Have you been making enough time for yourself lately? Or, have you been too busy taking care of others to even remember what you, yourself needs?
I challenge you to look inside, find what it is you need, and work harder at making the time for you to have just that.There is nothing wrong with self-love, time alone, and self appreciation. In fact, I dare say it's one of the biggest, bestest things I've done for myself as of late.Make room and show up.You'll be happy you did.Can't wait to share with you more about my #30DayYogaChallenge on Wednesday. Talk to you then!Self-care's the best care,Ari
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