Meet Me On The Mat: Change The Way You Look At Things
Hello there, friends! Happy Monday to you.How are you doing this morn?As I get ready for the week ahead—one that will undoubtedly be one of my busiest work weeks of the year—I'm setting positive intentions for what's ahead. (More on this week's mantra later.)Here's a look back at my weekend in LA!FRIDAY night was a me-myself-and-I kind of night because Sam was out at a concert. Instead of taking a morning yoga class, I decided to take a Restore class at night with Kim, one of my fave instructors.(Read more about my yoga challenge here and here.)The class was great and my night was overall just very chill after that.SATURDAY morning I took a yoga class I've never taken before—rooftop poolside yoga at the Freehand Hotel in downtown LA. For the next few weeks my yoga studio's offering it, so I decided to go for a flow class. Plus, we all got to hang out by the pool after.I never really drift downtown but there's so much to do. I like to check it out once in awhile!
I don't know about you, but if I can find it, I love a fresh breeze during my workouts—whether that's a fan, the AC, or being outside—so this class hit the spot in that way.[gallery ids="9203,9205,9209,9201,9200" type="rectangular"]The rooms at Freehand look amazing, too. I may just have to convince Sam that we need a "stay-cation" in downtown sometime.
In the afternoon, Sam and I just hung out and ran some errands before meeting up with some friends at night for a Tiki-themed party.Is it just me, or are themed-parties extra fun and hilarious?[gallery ids="9216,9214,9211" type="rectangular"]I feel like they're an easy excuse to not take yourself too seriously because everyone's a little dressed up and goofy about it.Anyway, we had a great time just enjoying our Saturday night with friends, Hawaiian food, great music, rum drinks, and laughs. :)SUNDAY I fit in an early morning class (Day 20!) before hanging out with my LA cousin, Nancy, and her two daughters, Kellie and Kloie, for the day.We had decided earlier last week to set up a fun girls day since we don't see each other all that often.I left it up to them on what we should do because I'm pretty much game for anything. We ended up getting Mexican food, going rollerskating, and enjoying ice cream. Worked for me! ;) We had lots of fun.
The rest of the day, I just hung out at home and then we grabbed a late dinner in Eagle Rock because, well, we need to go shopping. Haha! Sometimes it just doesn't fit into the weekend sched. ;)Bring on the week!MEET ME ON THE MAT: "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" - Wayne DyerBack when I read lots of inspirational books (I still do here and there), I was always drawn toward motivational speaker Wayne Dyer's positive, head-scratching messages.And this one's stuck with me:
Damn, that's powerful.... and for me, always something I need to hear.It's all about our perspective.If we can step back and see things in a new way, they may affect us differently.Whether it's a personal problem, a work dilemma, or a relationship hurdle, we have the ability to alter how we see things so that it resonates with us in a whole new way.That's some pretty incredible shit! ... pardon my language. Haha!I'm gonna be keeping this one with me all week and I'd love it if you took it along with you too.Hope you have a great week. Enjoy it.I'll be another hot one again here. Up in the high 90s. What happened to fall starting? I'm torn between seasons. :DSwitch up your perspective,Ari
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