Meet Me On The Mat: What Are You Thankful For?


Good morning!As Thanksgiving inchses closer—a holiday that means much more than just turkey and the fixin's—I thought it would be nice to share what I'm thankful for.Since I didn't do too much over this weekend (I was under the weather), I'm not going to waste your time with a boring weekend recap. :) Hah! Basically it looked like this: tv, food, rest.Instead, here's a list of things I'm thankful for. I bet you can also relate with most of these.Amazing Family & Friends[gallery ids="10816,10818" type="rectangular"]The Best Spouse20248147_10101378339608665_2688797521525341652_oA College EducationA Great, Stable JobGood Health And Accessibility To Healthy FoodsToastThe Means To Practice Yoga Regularly20170730_132920_resizedA Fun Social Life[gallery ids="10819,10820,10821,10822" type="rectangular"]A Roof Over My HeadAbility To Travel Regularly20170613_093410_resizedOpportunities For Self-Growth And ChangeLiving In A Beautiful State/Climate15896312_10101168315244175_8016297555557563648_oAn Irreplaceable Support SystemI could go on and on.When you really stop to list out what you're thankful for, the feelings keep flowing.I feel so lucky to even have a list because I know not everyone's so fortunate.I really want to keep practicing daily gratitude as a reminder of how precious life is and how supported I am.

Does practicing gratitude feel weird to you? Here's how to get started.I found an amazing article from Unstuck that explains 9 ways to cultivate gratitude.Try this! (Print this guide out and read it daily/weekly to stay on track)#7 is a toughie but such a positive thing to practice.Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 4.37.09 PM(Source)That's it for this Monday!I hope this theme serves you well.Have a great week and a lovely Thanksgiving. <3Grateful for you, too. ;)Ari
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