Meet Me On The Mat: You Can't Do Everything All The Time
Hellllllllllo!Wow, you guys. It's been a hot minute since I've posted on here.... like really really posted, and not just sharing photos of my parents' trip out.I'm sorry if you felt some distance and were wondering, "Where's she at?!"I have to admit... not posting and not checking in felt so weird. For just about a year now, I've been posting consistently three days a week (M, W, F), and I've made that promise to myself and you to do so. But... life is life, and when things get busy, we can't always be available everywhere for everyone at the same time and offer ourselves to every obligation we're being held to. We're only human.So, forgive me for my absence and let's keep things movin', k?What have I been up to?Well, my parents' trip to LA was awesome. We did so much and really got to show them around. It's always nice having them near, even just for a bit.Work's been really busy, so that's been keeping me going for sure, and then with the holidays in motion, I've been buying/wrapping lots of gifts and getting ready for that.Other than all that, Sam and I have just been enjoying life together, talking about our future, and planning some bits and pieces of next year (our two best friends are both getting married!), so we'll definitely be in Massachusetts at least twice. Yay!Speaking of one of my best friends... Happy Birthday, Beck!!!Here's a look back at my weekend in LA.FRIDAY Sam and I ordered delivery and kicked it after work. We both had extremely busy work weeks, so relaxing was a must.SATURDAY we got an early start to the day. We had breakfast and coffee at the newest Commissary location in nearby Kenneth Village, then we went to the bank to sort out some stuff, and finally we cleaned the place a bit.Then, we headed to my yoga studio—One Down Dog—for their Annual Community Shop Day. They had a ton of local businesses there selling cool crafts and goods for the holidays, a photo booth area, great food, and a tarot card reader (which I took part in!)
I've always been fascinated by tarot reading, so I had signed up earlier last week for that when I heard the spots fill up fast.Here are the cards I drew:
I'll be meditating on this for a bit because I learned some pretty valuable stuff that I need to sit with/work on. Nothing scary, just my next chapter in life and what values I should trust will guide me there.Later, we headed out to get the rest of our Christmas shopping done. Since we live 3,000 miles from our hometowns, we had to take into account all the shipping we'd have to do, so getting our gifts sooner than later is what we had to do. That way, we can mail everything out this week or next in time for the big day!I'm pretty proud of us for whipping that all out in one weekend. :DSUNDAY I took a yoga class at 24 Hour Fitness, did some online shopping, blogged a bit, and organized some stuff I had been putting off. The rest of the day we just chilled at home to get ready for another busy work week.What'd you do this past weekend?MEET ME ON THE MAT: You Can't Do Everything All The Time
This week's mantra is centered around what I started this post talking about—not feeling bad about checking off every box on your list all the time.We are so hard on ourselves.We really have to give ourselves more credit for all the things we do do, instead of the things we slack on.When I didn't have time to blog per usual, I felt really guilty, wondering... what were my readers thinking? Did I break my promise? Should I be posting just to post?That's when it clicked...We can't do everything all the time, and that's okay.We are busy ass people! We all have obligations, pressures, stresses, and loads of crap to accomplish every day. Some of us have kids, some of us have parents to take care of, and others, jobs that demand our attention.Lighten the load on yourself when you can. Remind yourself that it's okay to not be so available all the time to every single person or thing.You'll get to it when you get to it.:)Have an amazing week ahead!Love ya,Ari
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