What I'm Wicked Into: Happy Place


Heyyyyy and Happy Humpday!

How's your week going so far?!Hopefully you're up to some holiday fun. So close to Christmas. :)Mine's been great! I saw Lady Gaga with Holly on Monday night and she was obviously incredible! I've been wanting to see her for years and since her last album, Joanne, is seriously one of my recent faves, I knew I wanted to see her ASAP.20171218_212737.jpgLoved her show so much. What a star!

Last week, Sam, Holly and I went to a pop-up experience in Downtown LA called Happy Place. Have you heard of it?

It’s a space filled with unique installments, sensory immersion rooms, and the perfect little nooks for tons of selfies.

It’s a place to feel happy, capture awesome snapshots, and just be a kid.


Still like, huh?

Well, here are a TON of photos we took from that night.

Enjoy!This was one of the more popular spaces... a yellow tub with rubber duckies.[gallery ids="10964,10963,10962,10961,10949,10950,10951" type="rectangular"]

Confetti all around.

[gallery ids="10965,10953" type="rectangular"]

Tons of cute spots for couples.

[gallery ids="10958,10944,10954" type="rectangular"]Selfies galore.[gallery ids="10952,10948,10955" type="rectangular"]Party spots—cake pops and blowing candles.[gallery ids="10946,10945" type="rectangular"]Lots of xoxo's.[gallery ids="10942,10943,10957,10959,10941,10940" type="rectangular"]LA’s great because there’s always something new going on and there’s always something to see, whether it’s a show, art exhibit, or cool new feature everyone’s talking about.

I’m so glad we got to check out Happy Place. We had a blast!

Now…. when’s a good time to post my 100 photos to Instagram? Kidding… ;)

Anyway, if you're interested in going to Happy Place, you're in luck.They're sticking around through February 25. Get your tickets here!P.S. This was one of our favorite spots... the marigold room. So many beautiful flowers everywhere.IMG_3552How could you not be happy here?Ohhhhh... to be a kid again...

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Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 10.57.53 AMHave an awesome rest of the week!Ari


Feel Good Friday: Christmas Cookie Extravaganza


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