What I'm Wicked Into: I'm Hooked On The Bachelor



And, Happy Valentine's Day. :)Did you check out my last post about Valentine's Day date ideas? If not, head on over to Monday's post.

Okay, I have a guilty pleasure. And, some of you may already know about it.

Here it goes…

I’m pretty obsessed with the ABC show The Bachelor.

You’re familiar with it, right?

Well if not, it’s a show that follows around one man (or woman if it’s The Bachelorette) as they try to find love with 25 women. Each week, he goes on dates and gets to know the women better, and eventually he narrows down the group until he’s ready to propose to one.

I know, it’s crazy. Haha!

I’ve seen every season since the series began when I was 15. That’s called dedication, guys.

I remember watching the women back when I’d watch at home with my mom (some of them were probably in their early 20s at the time) and thinking, “Wow, this must be what it's to date when you’re older!” LOL

So many years, I watched this show with my Mom, and still to this day we talk about each episode.

Now married at 30, I’m watching the show from a whole new perspective. In fact, it’s way funnier to me now because some of it is just so ridiculous and over-the-top. Like the extravagant dates, how quickly the romances develop, and the kinds of things these people talk about.

Yet, I can’t stop watching.

Every Monday I’m legitimately excited to come home after a long day and settle in to watch The Bachelor (or The Bachelorette).

I love Sam for letting me hog the TV for two hours every Monday. He won’t admit it, but he watches it with me (while simultaneously making fun of it).

Sometimes I gotta elbow him mid-show and be like, “SAM, I gotta hear this!!” :D

Gotta love it.


This season The Bachelor is “Arie” (good name), and he was seen on a previous season of The Bachelorette.

I gotta say, I’m not hugely into him. He just doesn’t really pop to me, personality and looks wise. BUT, nonetheless, I watch.


The women have been interesting to watch.

I’ve got some opinions on the cast.

There are a bunch I like for Arie: Becca, Bekah (even though she’s only 22), Jacqueline (she never stuck out to me really until their date last week), and Kendall (she seems cool and real).

I like Lauren, but their first one-on-one was so quiet. It was weird they didn’t have much to talk about… until dinner. Now, I’m not so sure if I should like her more? I don’t know… undecided on Lauren.

I’m super happy to see that Krystal got the boot last week. I didn’t like her vibe (or voice). She was just “off” to me from the get-go.

I’ll be curious to see who Arie picks. These last few weeks are the most fun to watch. More one-on-one dates, family visits, and definitely some more traveling to exotic places where he’ll propose.

I’m HOOKED! Help! Lol

Do you watch?

Who are you rooting for?

Tell me I’m not the only one addicted to The Bachelor.

And with that, have a very happy Wednesday!Will you accept this rose? ;)Ari


Feel Good Friday: What It's Like To Be A Morning Person


Meet Me On The Mat: Valentine's Day Date Ideas