Why Community Is So Key For New Moms

Writing has always been an incredible creative and therapeutic outlet for me. A place to go. A safe haven. A relief.

I grew up writing in newspapers, magazines, and local publishings — and eventually as a content and social producer for CBS.com during my 6+ years in LA.

When I moved back to Massachusetts as a new mom, I was on the hunt for different writing opportunities that would enrich my life and help me build a new community here.

There came Central Mass Mom.


As a new parent, you often feel isolated even though you have so much. The long, sleepless nights and trying to understand your new identity can be a heavy weight to carry. Often, I felt as if I kissed the former me goodbye. In a way, I was greiving. At times, I still am.

It's communities like CMM that can help with that. A group of like-minded people who get you, what you're going through and write about similar topics. Many times when I'm reading articles on their site, I have "ah hah" moments or find myself nodding along with a writer's words. They just get it. They're in it too. This chapter of life that feels so wildly hectic and moving at lightening speed.

Community is so important. Whether that's your family, friends, neighborhood, school, or a blog — like CMM or here at TGG! Wherever you find it, cherish it, hold on and embrace it. It'll only do you good.


CLICK HERE for a collection of my posts for CMM.

Here's a quick glimpse at my headlines. 😉 See if anything resonates with you.

  • 7 Ways To Find Your Rhythm (Again)

  • Stop Waiting Until You’re Ready To Do What You Love

  • Motherhood: Finding Mini Moments of Joy

  • Helpful Tips For Living A Balanced Life

  • What I Want My Non-Parent Friends To Know

  • It’s Okay For Your Baby To Be Bored

  • Carving Out Time for Myself: Why I Choose To Wake Up At 5AM

  • The Mantra That Helped Me Through My Sleepiest Days

  • Creative Ways To Entertain Baby While Working From Home

    As always, let me know what you think and what sort of things stuck with you as a reader/parent/friend. 😊

    What would you like to see me write about next? I'm all ears.

    Go on and find your tribe. Start looking around. Ask. Reach. Sink into the support you deserve. It's there waiting for you.

    Thanks for stopping by,



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