Baby Becker #2!
Yup. You read that right.
Baby Becker #2 is well on HER way. It’s a GIRL! 🎉
We found out I was pregnant back in late May, and guys, I totally knew it. You know how sometimes you just have a feeling about things? This was that.
I was deep in planning mode for my first-ever Good Getter Retreat and also in the thick of home-buying. It was a lot, all at once, but I kept reminding myself, that’s just how life goes sometimes.
To be honest, we were hoping to have another child soon. Henry is two and by the time baby girl comes along in February, they’ll be about 2 years and 7 months apart, which feels really right for us and our family.
With Henry, we never found out what we were having. It was a really fun surprise! We often got, “How did you guys wait?!” “WHAT?!” For us, it was the best surprise.
This time around, we kept going back and forth. “Do we want to know? Do we not? Would it help us plan, and help Henry prepare to be a brother?”
In the end, we decided this time to find out the baby’s sex.
Our doctor wrote down the sex and put it in an envelope. I brought it to a local bakery and asked if they could fill a cupcake with either pink or blue frosting — and not to tell me when I picked it up because, “I am the mom! And, I don’t know yet! So please, don’t write it down anywhere or say anything.” 😂
Later that night (yeah, we couldn’t wait any longer than that), we had Henry sit at our kitchen island and take a bite to reveal the news. Well, it took a little bit of coaching and some laughs. He kept saying “blue” and “yellow” which was getitng us all confused. Eventually, I had to open the cupcake for him and then the cupcake toppled over on the plate to reveal its big surprise — PINK! 💞
A girl!
I would have been happy either way. But a girl?! One of each, for us? I felt like the luckiest. Plus, it meant I could experience something new and have the bond my mother and I have with a girl of my own. It fills my heart to know that that’s all ahead.
It was a fun, intimate way to learn news that would change our family forever. I think Henry had fun, lol. He still really has no clue what’s going on… Does any 2-year-old?
Then, I had my retreat and our move — both really big events that took so much energy, time and focus from me …. at a time where I was feeling tired, sick and all those enjoyable early pregnancy things.
Looking back, I thought it was so obvious I was pregnant at my retreat. My clothes felt tight. And, I could have sworn my closest friends who attended could tell. They said they couldn’t.
Then with the move… I wasn’t quite ready to tell our families yet because it was still kind of early and we hadn’t had my first doctor’s appointment yet. You know, the one where they officially tell you “yes, you’re pregnant” and we hear the baby’s hearbeat. Yeah, that one. So we carried on with the move (with the help of movers, thankfully), and were able to take our time unpacking and settling in.
A few days later, we told everyone in our immediate families. They were elated! It felt good to tell them and have them be in the know on such a big life event.
The back of his shirt said, “I’m going to be a big brother!”
We had our house. Our boy. Our second baby on the way.
How was my life coming together in this way?
The next couple months were spent making a house a home—and being deep in that first trimester.
Buying rugs and hanging frames.
Picking weeds and organizing closets.
Finding new take-out spots and learning shortcuts to work.
Buying furniture and cuddling Henry under blankets.
Baby appointments and tight clothes.
Adapting to my new shape and wondering what life would be like soon.
Nausea and food aversions.
Exhaustion and mood swings.
All of it. All at once. All day.
If you’ve ever been pregnant or bought a house, you understand. Possibly the two biggest life events happening at the same time could cause some minor anxiety and uneasiness.
I needed a nap. 😂
Not a much of a bump here, though I thought I was showing.
Once I felt ready to tell more people, I let my closest friends from MA and CA in on the news — and of course our relatives! Lots of smiles and hugs all around, which felt amazing.
The joy baby news brings to those closest to you is simply awesome.
Here I was at 20 weeks. This pregnancy is definitely flying…
This pregnancy has been… different. I plan on writing about that in more detail and sharing with you! Not different in a bad way, just in that I’m not who I was in 2018 when I was pregnant with Henry kind of way. I’m not in CA anymore or just focusing on work and chilling. Life is much busier now and there’s way more on my plate as a mom to a busy toddler in a demanding manager role.
I’m giving myself grace. I’m allowing myself to feel the highs and lows of pregnancy. The good and the bad. This will probably be our last kid so I want to savor this. My changing body, my growing heart, my little family of three (for now).
It’ll be different again soon.
But for now, this is where I am.