Feel Good Friday: One Down Doggin’ For Two Years

Two years ago, I bought a Groupon to take 20 yoga classes at One Down Dog.

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I was craving more yoga in my life and was eager to make my practice a more consistent one.

I instantly loved the vibe behind ODD. They’re based around community. They’re a small business. They don’t take themselves too seriously. Their space wasn’t intimidating. And, they just wanted to do yoga the right way.

READ MORE: What To Expect Out Of Your First Yoga Class

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Yoga always felt special to me.

Since my first class in high school, it was always a personal thing – driving there, rolling out my mat, moving my own way, meditating at the end, driving home a sweaty mess…

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Coming to LA, I needed that again and it wasn’t until I found One Down Dog that I felt even close to it.

Practicing consistently in a homey, welcoming and serene space has helped me as a human.

It’s sort of my drug.

READ MORE: How I Found Yoga

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I often crave the feeling that comes when I walk out of class a little sweaty, and a whole lot happier and ready for my day. My consistent two years of morning classes have given me so much strength and a deeper understanding of myself.

I don’t always show up in a mood to move, but when I leave, I’m always happy I made the time in my day to practice. It’s the sort of self-care that I know I’ll always treasure.

I’m so happy I stuck to my plan and have kept this train goin’.

Thank you to ODD clan for letting me in, time and time again.

Sometimes I miss home and ODD has really become my home away from home.

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Feel Good Friday: What I’ve Been Up To Lately


Meet Me On The Mat: Oh Hey Guys!