Highlights From Our Babymoon

Hello 👋👋👋, and Happy Wednesday!

Okay, the term “babymoon” kind of makes my eyes roll (you too?), but what else should I call it?! Our last hurrah? Parents-to-be final outing? 😊 Babymoon just kind of makes sense and it sounds cute at least!

With only a month and a half (or so) before Baby B’s arrival, we decided one final weekend somewhere special would be the best way to celebrate.

So on Memorial Day weekend, Sam and I made the easy trip down south to Laguna Beach for our second stay at Pacific Edge Hotel, which sits right on the California coast. We went last year for our first wedding anniversary and loved it so much, we knew we wanted to head back.

There’s so much to love about Laguna. The fresh air, beautiful beaches, awesome shops, adorable downtown… I could go on and on…

Anyone who knows me (and Sam), knows my happy place is always at the beach.

Anyway, we left early on a Saturday morning to make the most of the weekend (and the day, since it was going to be the pick of the weekend), and I’m so glad we did. The weather was perfect, 70s and sunny, and we were able to lay out in the sun on our hotel’s private beach for a good chunk of the day. I think we maybe even snoozed off for awhile. That’s when you know it’s a really good getaway…

Even though we were only in Laguna for 2 solid days, we sure made the most of it. Here are the top highlights from our trip, minus the obvious (sitting beachfront, enjoying the sun and waves). Oh, and… Surprise, surprise a lot of them revolve around food…

– Live music at Mozambique
Sam had a spontaneous idea to go see some live music Sunday night at Mozambique, a rooftop lounge/bar/restaurant, so we decided to check it out… especially because it was reggae music. Have you ever heard of The Skintz? They’re a band from London and they’re really great! The crowd was awesome and everyone was vibing to the tunes until midnight. We called it a night a little before then, because, well… pregnancy. Haha!

-Dinner at Reunion Kitchen
I found this spot online when I was googling cool dinner spots in Laguna. It popped up on a food blog and the writer had nothing but great things to say. So glad we checked it out. Reunion Kitchen is super cute, the service was great and the food was really tasty too. We got deviled eggs as an app (if you told me a year ago I’d like those… I would have called you crazy), and I got a scrumptious turkey pot pie for my meal, which was also great. I mean, a flaky crust topping over a warm comforting blend of turkey and veggies?! Yes please.

-Walks along Pacific Coast Highway
We went on so many walks during our weekend together. We only drove once (to Mozambique) because I knew we wouldn’t want to walk home late at night in the dark. The walks were not only a great way to get some more steps in, but also were a fun way to check out the local stores and soak in all the fresh, ocean air. You discover so many cute shops and eateries just walking around. I even found an adorable mala bead shop along a walk… too expensive for my taste, but still!

-Afternoon snack at Gelato Paradiso
This place always has a line, and for good reason. When I saw the line on Saturday night, I immediately saw the sign and thought, “That line? For gelato?” Yes and yes. I made a mental note to go back and then on Sunday, we walked over to try the highly-raved about gelato from Gelato Paradiso. I, of course, went a little overboard and had a waffle cone with a scoop of sea salt caramel and cookies and cream. Then we sat in the alleyway and I devoured the whole thing. Sam somehow didn’t order anything (CRAZY, I know), so he watched me eat. 😉 Anyway, I can definitely see what all the fuss is about with this place. I loved it.

-Breakfast at Active Cultures
This was another spot I wanted to check out last time we were in Laguna but never got around to it. You guys know me… as much as I like to indulge in gelato, I also really love eating healthy and maintaining a well-balanced diet. Active Cultures was the perfect start to our Sunday morning (after we grabbed a coffee at Laguna Coffee Company down the street).

Their food is healthy, delicious, simple, and the staff was really helpful and kind too when I couldn’t decide what to get (BIG surprise). I ended up getting their Thalia Bowl, which included quinoa, almond milk, granola, walnuts, honey, cinnamon, sliced banana and blueberries. YUM.

-A rainy lunch on The Deck
Ok, this highlight is rather comical, so get ready. On Sunday—the rainiest day of the long weekend—we wanted to head next-door to The Deck for a little afternoon bite when the sun popped out. It was packed so we were excited when we lucked out with an instant table for two right on the deck overlooking the ocean. We placed our orders and as we were waiting, it started to sprinkle. The server brought blankets over to us and we were content even in the drizzle. But then 5 minutes later, the rain started to come down even harder. People were getting up, heading inside the restaurant for dryness. Before we knew it, everyone fled the scene or hid inside. As the rain came down harder, I looked at Sam like, “This is ridiculous!!”

So we also made our way inside, still waiting for our food and our server nowhere in sight. Once we found him, we let him know we were going to wait for our food under a small covered area of the adjacent restaurant. Once it came out (covered in droplets of rain), we sat there eating our food with our blankets, soaked. Haha! Needless to say, it will be a funny memory we share now, and honestly… it’s just a little rain, so who cares?!

Thank you for a great babymoon, Laguna!

See you again soon… with Baby Becker this time. 😎

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. I’ve got a busy few days ahead—I’m finishing up yoga teacher training, presenting my final project, and working Sunday night! Then, it’s our 2 year wedding anniversary on the 10th—woo!!



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