So In Love With Fall
Happy first day of fall!
Fall is the best.
I don’t know what it is, but every time it comes around, I get really excited.
Sure, fall was great in LA (hey, everything there was ;) ), but it's much different here in New England. It’s pretty tough to top it out here.
My birthday is in October, so that probably has a lot to do with it, but also I love the flavors/scents that come with this season (maple, cinnamon, pumpkin, apple), the festive activities (apple/pumpkin picking, festivals and hay rides) in the area and all the eye-catching foliage (do you go anywhere special to see the best of the best?).
What’s not to love?! Sure, it means winter is around the corner (and here in MA that means plenty of snow), but we do get a solid month or two of that seasonal goodness before the temps drop for good.
Over the years, I’ve done plenty of fall baking and blogging around this time. In case you’ve missed my past pieces, here are my top ones:
-> Just Call Me Pumpkin
-> Butternut Squash Soup (with a twist)
-> Just Call Me The Fall Baking Queen
-> Fall In New England
I maybe had some cans of pumpkin on hand, so I made these two recipes last night. Both came out great! I love the combo of pumpkin and chocolate.
And even if you aren’t big into pumpkin things (like my husband), I have a feeling you’ll really enjoy these two goodies below.
Happy baking, friends!
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites
*I subbed chia seeds for ground flax seed.
Both were also a hit with Henry!
Now, it’s time for a photo dump of last weekend when we went apple picking at Tougas Family Farm. :) It was really fun and the weather was actually perfect. I love creating new memories with Henry and our families.
’Til next time!