Ways To De-stress While You’re Cooped Up At Home
Oh, hi! 👋🏼
As of Wednesday, I began working from home because of COVID-19. 😩 It was bound to happen…
These are such strange times, man. I almost feel as if I’m stuck in a movie. 🎬 Do you feel the same way?
Working in the health care field and in social media, this is a busy time for me. We are constantly communicating new messages to our employees and larger community as things evolve each day. I never really imagined I’d be part of something this big starting out in my new role. Of course, I knew eventually I may be covering “crises” of some sort but not like this and not so soon.
I’d like to think my experience in the fast-paced world of entertainment prepared me for this in some ways. I’m comparing my work right now to the launch of a new show or the lead-up to an award show—tons of messaging, coordination with stakeholders, and juggling a lot of tasks that keep coming in from various departments. Long days.
With all of this comes waves of stress, especially when you add on top of everything being home with Henry. His daycare has also shut down for two weeks so he’s come with us now. If any of you are FT-working parents too, you know working from home with a baby is pretty impossible (unless they’re napping….H is hit or miss on naps sometimes so we can’t really bank on those consistently to get work done). Luckily, our parents are helping us out with watching him! 🙌
I wanted to share some things that have always helped me de-stress. (I could definitely be doing a better job at following these tips myself.)
I hope these tips help you feel more calm in the coming days/weeks.
Move your body
There are so many online workout classes right now since everyone is home and things have gone virtual. 🏋️♀️ As much as I enjoy working out in a class atmosphere, this is an awesome option to have right now. Some of my favorite studios have gone online to offer workouts—One Down Dog (in LA!) and Kate’s PowerHouse. I was able to fit in a yoga class last night and a power core pilates class this morning (Who am I?!).
Also, one of my all-time favorite Zumba instructors is teaching TWO classes over the weekend, in case you’re interested. Come shake it with me—online! 😉
Download the Calm or Headspace App
These meditation apps are awesome. They’re even offering up some free meditationsright now. Even just a few minutes of mindful breathing and relaxation goes a long way. Go into a quiet space, sit in silence, and soak in the benefits.
Walk around the block
I don’t know about you but for me, being stuck inside for days on end = BORRRRRING. I need to get out, even for a quick loop around the block. I plan on breaking up my work days with a lunchtime stroll. I’ve seen tons of people in my neighborhood doing the same. Yup, we’re already going a little stir crazy it seems. 😜
Organize your space
Spring cleaning, anyone? This is a great time to declutter. It not only feels good to see all your clothes/belongings organized—it does some clearing of the mind too. I love a tidy place. 🧽🧹
Read that book on your nightstand
There’s almost always a book I want to be reading, but I tend to tell myself I don’t have the time. Now’s the time. Give yourself 10-15 minutes before bed to read that book on your nightstand. 📖 I’ve been making my way through this book for months now…. 🙄😂 (Like I said, I’m going to start taking my own advice!)
Heck, even read to your kids. (We have SO many books for Henry.)
Cook/Bake a tasty meal
Taking some time to get creative in the kitchen is a great way to distract yourself from what’s going on in the world right now and make something tasty. Sam made an awesome chili the other night and I made pancakes (banana and ground oats mixed) for Henry!
Some of my favorite sites for yummy recipes:
Where do you get your recipes? 🍽
Call a friend/connect with someone
We may be “social distancing” right now, but that doesn’t mean we have to shut down completely from those around us. Reach out to talk. Share how you’re feeling with a friend of family member. Get support. Now, more than ever, we have to lean on one another. Block off your calendar for 30 minutes to catch up with a pal. ❣️
Get creative
Do you paint? Play music? Sew? Sing? Now’s the time to create something. Use your hands. Your voice. Your skills. Make use of these looooooong days at home by doing things that make you feel good inside. I always feel super inspired after I do something I’m passionate about.
Did you know Sam and I met through our love for music/playing guitar? Yup!
How are you planning on spending your days at home? Share with me. ⬇️
Stay well, friends. We’re going to get through this funky time together. There’s a light!
Take care,