Feel Good Friday: Embracing The Cozy Danish Lifestyle Of "Hygge"


Well, hello! And, Happy Friday y'all!I've been wanting to share this "Feel Good Friday" post for a bit now and can't wait to dive right in.A few weeks ago, I was flipping through the pages of a new Women's Health Magazine with an iced-tea in hand, when I came across an article by Laura Tedesco that immediately peaked my interest.As someone who is constantly seeking out the good in life—hence 'The Good Getter"—I couldn't help but feel a gravitational force from the words written about the Norwegian lifestyle trend that's finally making it's way over to the U.S.What exactly do Danish people do that makes so much sense to me?The concept is called "hygge," pronounced "hoo-ga," and though it doesn't translate into one simple word, the idea is around feeling a cozy contentment in life by enjoying the everyday pleasures and comforts that make life so wonderful.If you've ever sat in a room with lit candles and a good book, or drawn yourself a warm bath with epsom salts and soft music—well, then, you already take part in this lifestyle without probably ever realizing it.Immediately, I felt a connection to the Scandinavians, haha! They are like me — I am like them! To Danish people, hygge is a way of life. It's in their DNA. Such a simplistic and wonderful way to live.20170411_212249What are some easy ways to add more "hygge" to your life?- The next time you plan a date with your friends, make it a picnic. The Danish gather in non-formal, connective ways. Rub elbows at a picnic table or share a blanket. Everyone brings a dish. Picnic's are light-hearted and fun, more so than any restaurant you make a reservation at.- Grab your fuzzy socks, sweatpants, and bathrobe. Stay comfy and watch a movie with a cup of tea in hand.- Wrap yourself in a fleece throw blanket as you read a new book while listening to the rain.- Make a new crockpot meal.- Host a game night.- Toast marshmallows over a bonfire at the beach.- Keep things simple.- Send someone a handwritten letter.No wonder Denmark's one of the happiest countries in the world.... I see a new travel destination in my future. :)Let's not make hygge a trend here. Let's make it our way of life, too.Stay cozy,Ari

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