Meet Me On The Mat: You Can't Make Everyone Happy

Good morning and Happy Monday!It's the start of a new week and for me, it's my first full week back in LA after what was a really fun and jam-packed week back in Massachusetts.What a successful week it was, though! I didn't do a full recap of my week (other than my awesome Bachelorette Party), so here are some quick pics to show you how the week went!THURSDAY we applied for our wedding license together in Sam's hometown. The town clerk mentioned how most people make a mistake or two on their paperwork, like writing the wrong birthday or misspelling their name. I was like, that would never happen to me... until I wrote my birthday wrong by two days. HAHA!![gallery ids="4469,4467" type="rectangular"]Luckily, I didn't have to rewrite the whole thing.I guess the jet lag/lack of sleep really affected me since we came from our red eye straight to the town hall. Oh boyyyy!FRIDAY was my Bachelorette Partayyyy all day and it couldn't have been more perfect.IMG_20170421_151520_61220170422_154018More on that here!FB_IMG_1492882180678IMG_20170421_234522SATURDAY was lots of chilling and bridal shower-prepping for the next day. I also had a chance to finish my wedding table numbers (pics to come after the big day!) and start my favors.SUNDAY was another awesome and special day—my bridal shower! (At this point, Sam had already made the trek back to LA to start his work week, but I stuck around with more business to attend to, hehe!) With the help of my mom, future mother-in-law, and maids-of-honor (yes, I have two—and they rule), they really threw the most beautiful and thoughtful party at a local spot that's known for their amazing food.20170423_154024From the moment I walked in to the restaurant, I was touched.20170423_152022There were 45 of my closest female friends and family members all welcoming me with open arms and generous gifts. Many I hadn't seen in a year or two so it was so great to catch up. I made sure to make the rounds and try to chat with everyone.20170423_140907The Italian food was delicious, the cake—phenomenal—and the party favors too cute... heavenly-scented goat milk soap for all!20170423_140725It's like the party never stopped since Friday, haha! We were all pretty exhausted... but the mimosas held us over ;)25903And, I was eating this cannoli-filled cake (that everyone raved about) for three days after... Oops! The last few days of my trip were equally as busy with lots of planning meetings—including my first dress fitting (it FITS!!! LOL), a run-through of the day with our wedding coordinator, and my hair trial. Plus, hours were spent at home going over music, prepping gifts for the wedding party, and starting the seating chart.When people say planning a wedding is a full time job, they aren't kidding! I'm so lucky I have my parents and Sam's helping us plan. We literally don't know how we'd plan this alone while being across the country. We must be crazy... haha!WEDNESDAY I picked up our completed wedding license, had lunch with my parents at our favorite Greek restaurant, and headed back to sunny LA.To no one's surprise, I finally hit a wall and was under the weather after a non-stop week on the go!20170426_205546I guess I should catch up on some sleep and get back to yoga... :)It was surely a week to remember. Thank you to all!

MEET ME ON THE MAT: You Can't Make Everyone HappyIt's time to get back to what Mondays are all about—setting a mantra/intention and focusing on how to make each day count.This week's mantra is something that has always been hard for me and many others, I'm sure... learning that in life, you can never make every single person happy.This has, and continues to be, something that's so hard for me to accept, because I'm definitely a people-pleaser and just someone who generally loves to make others happy. When I sense that a person isn't feeling their best, I try to make them feel better and/or wonder if I've affected them in any negative way.Although my intentions for others have always been so genuine and good-hearted, trying to please everyone all the time isn't the healthiest way to go about living your own life.The truth is, no matter what you say/do... you cannot (no matter how hard you try) complete someone else and make them happy.It's the cold, hard truth.MondayMantraInsta.jpgPeople will choose to be happy on their own.I'm not saying to not try and be encouraging and helpful to others, just... be aware that you can't change someone's world all the time.And, with that, wishing you a happy and adventurous week ahead.Be happy,Ari
Other “Meet Me On The Mat” posts:Meet Me On The Mat: I’ve Got ThisMeet Me On The Mat: Go SlowlyMeet Me On The Mat: Stay KindMeet Me On The Mat: Be FearlessMeet Me On The Mat: Wake Up With PurposeMeet Me On The Mat: Write Your StoryMeet Me On The Mat: Self-WorthMeet Me On The Mat: ReleaseMeet Me On The Mat: Show UpMeet Me On The Mat: Excitement


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