Meet Me On The Mat: Who Cares?
Hi there! Happy Monday friends and fam. :) How's it going this morning?Weekends sure fly by, huh?This LA heat was on a ROLL this weekend so we made sure to keep cool and hydrated.Here's what my last few days looked like.FRIDAY I couldn't wait to get home and... do nothing. Hah! Ever have weeks like that? They seem pretty typical for me lately and you know what, I kinda dig it.Sam and I went to Olive and Vine for a simple dinner (hummus and pita, and burrata, tomatoes, and prosciutto with bread) and then later we watched some comedy shows before falling asleep.SATURDAY I took a Zumba class and then met up with a friend at a brunch spot, Sawyer, in Silverlake. I loved it so much. It's very cute and the food was great.Plus, their decor (lighting, dish ware, and tables) was to die for. If I could have my place look like Sawyer I'd be sooooo in love, haha.My friend and I split their cornmeal blueberry pancakes, an egg scramble, and then had peach bellinis.And, this very sweet wedding gift that made my day.
Later in the day, Sam and I went over our friend's place in Hollywood for a pool party/BBQ. We had an awesome time swimming, chatting and munching. There was no better way to spend a 100-degree day than bring by the pool.SUNDAY I met a friend for a "flow" yoga class in Eagle Rock. (Ever meet up with friends for workout dates? I feel like it's a really great fun way to hang out/get your sweat on).Later on, we went to a family cook-out in San Pedro which was lots of fun, as always!MEET ME ON THE MAT: Who Cares?At first glance, this week's #MondayMantra may seem a little off but hear me out...
I've been really taking a step back to get a full perspective on (my) life lately (is this an almost-30 life crisis? lol) and sometimes I just want to say... "Who cares?"Not in the way you may think but like...Who cares if you're running late for once?Who cares if your plans change unexpectedly?Who cares if you've gained 5 pounds?Who cares if you're wrong when you thought you were right?Who cares if your home-made meal turned out crappy and you had to start over?Who cares if your meeting was cancelled and you had the best suggestions ready to share?Who cares if your partner forgot to make the bed?I've been a little anxious lately and this new "live happily in the moment" attitude has helped me not get so boggled down with things out of my control.That's it for now.Have a fun week. You deserve to!Ari
More of my other recent posts:Feel Good Friday: Worry Less, Smile MoreWhat I'm Wicked Into: Foodie GirlMeet Me On The Mat: Move Everyday10 Tough Life Lessons You Learn In Your Twenties