Feel Good Friday: The Good Getter Celebrates 6 Months!


Woah, blogging for six months already? That flew!As I look down at my calendar (yes, I still use an old-school calendar and don't know if I'll ever fully depend on my phone daily alerts), I'm reminded that today (to the day exactly) marks six months since I started writing The Good Getter.READ MY INTRODUCTION: Who The Heck Am I And Why Should You Even Care?IMG_20170712_144259.jpgFor the past 24 weeks, I've written three times a week (M, W, F) in hopes to connect with my readers on fitness, food, fun, and feel-good life stuff.READ MORE: My Three Weekly SeriesI've really enjoyed the challenges that blogging has brought... things like writing & scheduling posts while working a full-time job, coming up with new editorial ideas/themes, and talking to more people about their relationship with blogs.Remember, blogging has always been something I wanted to try and I've looked up to these writers who catapulted me into my own journey with it.If you've been a regular reader of TGG for the past six months, thank you!! It's been such a pleasure writing and seeing the engagement that comes from my words, whether it be a comment, a like, or a friend request.If you're just digging in now for the first time, I'd love to take this (mini) milestone to re-share some of my favorite posts from the past half-a-year.I feel these posts really highlight the kind of person and writer I am.Thanks SO much for reading and returning to TGG each week for love, good-feels, and inspiration. It's always been my mission to make people smile and look on the bright side. And, I'll keep doing it for as long as I can!L I F E S T Y L E     P O S T S:My Feel-Good Food & Fitness Philosophy: Nothing's Off LimitsfoodHow To Boost Your Mood In Five Easy StepsCoffee.jpgWhat I'm Wicked Into: ThriftingThrift.jpgEmbracing The Cozy Danish Lifestyle Of "Hygge"hygge.jpgF O O D     P O S T S:My First Blue Apron ExperienceBlue.jpg7 LA Coffees I'd Drive Out Of My Way ForCoffee 2.jpgSuperbowl Sunday ShareablesApps.jpgHow To Make Fresh Springs RollsSpringRolls.jpgBacari GDLBacari.jpgF I T N E S S     P O S T S:Buti YogaButi.jpgAt-Home Art WorkoutarmsMelt Away Stress With This Body Scan BodyScan 2.jpgP E R S O N A L     P O S T S:Our Wedding DaySA.jpgA Casual Valentine's DayValentines.jpgSober JanuaryJanuary.jpgWhat 29-Year-Old Me Would Tell My 16-Year-Old Self TreesThank you again for taking the time to stop by for a read!You guys rock :)<3Ari


Meet Me On The Mat: Lean In


What I'm Wicked Into: Habits Of Happy People