Meet Me On The Mat: Lean In

Hey there and Happy Monday to you!How was your weekend?!Mine was pretty swell. :) Here's a look back before we talk mantras for this week.FRIDAY was very chill, especially compared to how I spent the following one. I grabbed some snacks and a bottle of Malbec wine at Trader Joe's before coming home so once I was back, I'd be in for the night. ;)Friday.jpgSam and I enjoyed TJ's burrata, prosciutto & arugula flatbread, some manchego cheese and crackers, and some truffle dark chocolate while watching some comedy specials.I read a little in bed and then called it a night. 'Twas a fine Friday night, haha!SATURDAY I woke up pretty early so I headed to my yoga studio for a chill class. It was awesome. I love when I'm in the right kind of mindset to completely let go in class and connect with my breath. It's not always easy to, especially before a stressful, busy workday... so I was really happy to have that kind of class.I took a front row spot (pretty unusual for me), and soon I realized that I shouldn't be nervous about practicing in the front of the class. In fact, it was really nice to not look around at how other people were moving for once and really just focus in on my own practice. You forget/stop caring how you look and move compared to others.20170722_094220After class I did some errands (post office and Home Goods) and headed back home for lunch.Later that night, we headed to Atwater Village to watch "The Session On Air"—a radio show Sam really loves—filmed live with our friend Mike and Uncle Ed. Basically, the show breaks down well-known rock songs track by track for music needs to enjoy.This session broke down The Beatles' "Come Together" and The Rolling Stones' "Gimme Shelter"—both released in 1969.The whole show was awesome!20170722_211533I will say, I love how Sam and I go back and forth with sharing our interests and hobbies with each other. We're both really supportive and open-minded so it's fun to see what the other is into!20170722_221733Sam, Mike, and I hung out a bit more afterwards and then we checked out The White Horse Lounge in Pasadena.20170723_001206Their Desert Flower craft cocktail was almost too pretty to drink. Almost.20170723_000008SUNDAY after I did a mat workout at home and did some work a little in the afternoon, we headed to a local park for their Sunday summer concert series. It was the perfect lazy weekend activity. You literally bring some food, a blanket, and relax with some live music.Our friend Holly came too. She's the best!365203653036527The cool thing about LA is there is never a shortage of things to do—especially in the sumer... farmers' markets, concerts, hikes, beach events, festivals, you name it. I never grew up near this kind of stuff so it makes it really fun to explore new things all the time.Ok, now onto this week's mantra.

MEET ME ON THE MAT: Lean InEver heard the saying, "Lean in?"Quite literally, this week's mantra is about leaninggggggg into things in your life, especially when it comes to your career.Author and tech exec Sheryl Sandberg said it first, so I can't take any credit here... but I just really love the idea of this mantra.LOY0s1500752960.jpgLean in = being assertive and actively moving toward a work goal. Just as you can physically lean your body... you can do the same with your intentions, goals, and plans.Lean in by saying "yes" to doing more. Lean in by getting uncomfortable and taking career risks. Lean in by standing firm in your beliefs. Lean in by bonding with other strong, career-oriented women who can support your choices with you. Lean in when you are scared of the future.Here are Sheryl Sandberg's 5 "Lean In" Tips.Are you ready to lean in?I'm always inspired and empowered by my fellow women colleagues. They kick some serious ass every day and I continue to learn a lot from them each month I work by them.Embrace this new outlook in the workplace and go for it! You really have nothing to lose.And so with that, I hope you have an amazing week!Thanks for stopping by.Lean on in,AriREAD MORE: You May Also Want To Check Out…Give Yourself Some CreditWhat To Expect Out Of Your First Yoga ClassMeet Me On The Mat: Who Cares?Feel Good Friday: Worry Less, Smile MoreWhat I’m Wicked Into: Foodie GirlMeet Me On The Mat: Move Everyday10 Tough Life Lessons You Learn In Your Twenties

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