Meet Me On The Mat: You Already Have The Answer


Hellooooo, and Happy Monday to you!What's the latest?!I'm MORE than excited to share some insight into this week's #MondayMantra, but before I do, here's a quick recap of my weekend.SATURDAY I enjoyed a quiet morning in and then Sam and I headed to Huntington Beach for something near and dear to us—The U.S. Surf Open. It's not because we're surfers (by any means), but it's because we've been going together since 2014, making it our fourth consecutive year visiting the event.20170805_121257It's super fun to watch the most elite surfers compete in sunny California. It's the epitome of a west coast date day I'd say, haha!Get me in the sun and I'm the happiest.20170805_150516.jpgWe spent a few hours checking out the scene, buying some cool clothes, and then had a nice lunch at BLK: Earth Sea Spirits.To start, we split their Kobe meatballs in a raspberry chipotle sauce (really tasty) and each got a glass of Four Son's Blood Orange IPA.20170805_13392920170805_134348Then, I had their Chicken Apple Salad and Sam got a blue cheese filled burger. :) Both hit the spot.Here's the view from our table. Not toooo shabby.20170805_140846The rest of the day was spent relaxing, shopping a little, and watching TV.SUNDAY I took a Zumba class at a nearby 24 Hour Fitness. It was an awesome workout!After that, I did a little work from home and organized our place a bit since we're hosting a lil shindig for The Bachelorette's season finale tonight.I've also been working on our wedding album... it's been taking me awhile but I know it'll be great once it's all finished.Such a chill weekend but reallllllly nice. No complaints!

MEET ME ON THE MAT: You Already Have The AnswerOh mannnnnn! Today's mantra is so so good and really struck a chord with me when I heard it on Lewis Howes' podcast "The School of Greatness" a couple weeks ago.He put it so well when he said — You already have the answer.Wow.There are so many questions we have about our lives each day:What to wear? What to say in a meeting? What goals should I hit? Am I with the right person? Should I join a new gym? Do I really want to go to that party? Am I hanging out with the right crowd? Is this the right job for me? Should I move?Do I need to diet? Is having a long-distance relationship a good idea? Am I bending over backward for the wrong people?Any of these questions stick out to you?Whatever it is we are asking ourselves or others... inside, we already know the answer. We have everything we need in us to make a bold, smart decision. It's just that most of the time we live in too much fear to actually take action.What if we trusted ourselves more? What if we took that leap of faith?iyT4p1501859782.jpgWe could fall, we could fail... but so what? Doing what's right for yourself is always the smartest decision.I'll let Lewis do the talking on this one. It's just too good not to share.Listen to Lewis Howes break down this idea now!I, myself, am always working toward a better, more refined version "me." It's taken years, fails, falls, and fears to get here—and I'm sure there's a helluva ways to go too. It's all good, though. No one's path is easy, even if it looks so from the outside.Trust that there's a path for you.Listen to the answers inside,AriOther Recent Posts:Feel Good Friday: Easy Mat SequenceWhat I’m Wicked Into: Try The WorldMeet Me On The Mat: Make It A Habit Feel Good Friday: My Favorite California Road TripsWhat I’m Wicked Into: Loaded Potato SkinsMeet Me On The Mat: Lean InFeel Good Friday: The Good Getter Celebrates 6 Months!


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