Meet Me On The Mat: What Is It You Need?

Hey, friends. :DHow are you this morning, and how'd the weekend treat you?!I had a really fun one and before I hand over this week's #MondayMantra, here's a look back:FRIDAY Sam and I went on a little date to get some dinner and a drink. We didn't really have a set plan, so we ended up at Damon's, a family-style steakhouse in town that's been around since 1927! We used to go there a lot more but haven't in a few months.There's a bartender and band we love there, but when we were chatting with a different bartender, we learned our fave guy no longer works weekends and the band doesn't play there anymore. Womp, womp..... Lol! Crazy how things can change so fast in just a couple months.We were pretty stuffed after we shared some appetizers, so we headed home after and just kicked it 'til bed.SATURDAY was a full day! I really wanted to get to the beach because the weather here has really cooled off (70s), so after my morning "Chill" yoga class, we headed out.We didn't really go all out with a full beach day, but we walked around Santa Monica Pier, listened to some street musicians, and got lunch at Rusty's.20170916_132548_resizedThe weather was perfect by the water. We both love being by the water so even just being there for a couple hours was awesome.Later, we met up with some friends at Glendale's 2nd Annual Open Arts Festival on Brand, featuring six breweries, fun crafts, live bands, and cool art.[gallery ids="8975,8974" type="rectangular"]I tried two beers—one Red Ale from 8one8 and a Pale Ale from MacLeod. Both good! With the lovely weather, good company, and cold beer... it was the perfect Saturday afternoon in town.[gallery ids="8973,8972,8971,8970,8969,8968,8967,8966" type="rectangular"]We a made a quick stop at In 'N Out for a bite before heading to a very impromptu concert—Green Day at the Rose Bowl. (Earlier in the day, Sam mentioned the band was in town and tickets were only $20, so we got all our friends on board to go.)20170916_22590620170916_204057Sam and I have loved Green Day since we were young and are definitely "old Green Day fans," haha! They're new stuff isn't bad but when they played all their old hits, we were loving it. Plus, we had never been to Pasadena's Rose Bowl Stadium, so that was cool too.Bille Joe Armstrong put on an electric show from around 8:30-11... so much energy, passion, and fan-involvement. (I don't know where he found the energy to go that long straight?)He pulled about four different fans on stage to sing, play guitar, and get the crowd going. Super fun to watch!20170916_215104We all learned it was the last show of their tour, so that made us feel extra special.SUNDAY I took a yoga class in Eagle Rock and then had some delicious brunch at home, co. of Sam. I love that he loves to cook. ;)The rest of the day was spent hanging out and getting groceries for the week.Then, at 7, we went to see the closing night of a play my friend produced called Blackbird. I was really happy I could make it out to support her. I'm not a huge theater-goer, but whenever I do go, I end up feeling really inspired and happy.Anyway, that's it from the weekend!Let's look ahead.

MEET ME ON THE MAT: What Is It You Need?This week's mantra was inspired at the end of last week. I was taking a yoga class and the instructor mentioned that as the seasons change, sometimes so do our yoga practices. The fiery, hot season of summer is ending and we may need a more calm, slow practice as things cool down.When she said this, something clicked in me. I did need to take it easier on myself. I needed to incorporate slower classes to my #30DayChallenge and there is no shame in moving slower. In fact, there's something really amazing about honoring your body and mind with whatever it is that you need.InstaMon.jpgDo you already know but just haven't taken the steps to honor it?Do you need to stop, take some notes, and figure it out?I think it's only fair to treat yourself with grace and intention. We have the same desire to do that with others, so why not ourselves?I'm so happy I took the past weekend to slow down my practice. I'm making my body really happy by doing so, and in turn, making my mind a little softer too.Give it some time to figure out what you need and do just that.You'll be grateful you did.Honor yourself,AriOther Recent Posts:What I’m Wicked Into: 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Days 1-8Meet Me On The Mat: Make Room For YourselfFeel Good Friday: Sam’s First Beer ReviewWhat I’m Wicked Into: Paso RoblesMeet Me On The Mat: What Motivates You?Feel Good Friday: My First Cycle ClassWhat I’m Wicked Into: Wanderlust CreameryWhat Happened When I Went Vegan For One WeekMeet Me On The Mat: Return To Your CenterFeel Good Friday: Just A Girl And Her JournalWhat I’m Wicked Into: Try The World, Part 2Feel Good Friday: Getting Real About RelationshipsWhat I’m Wicked Into: How To Make Your Next Dinner Party Extra Cute And Special Meet Me On The Mat: You Already Have The AnswerWhat I’m Wicked Into: Try The WorldMeet Me On The Mat: Make It A Habit Feel Good Friday: My Favorite California Road TripsWhat I’m Wicked Into: Loaded Potato SkinsMeet Me On The Mat: Lean InFeel Good Friday: The Good Getter Celebrates 6 Months!  


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