What I'm Wicked Into: 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Days 9-15
Good morning!How's the week going so far?I'm heading into my third week of doing yoga every damn day. ;) I can't believe I'm half way through.In the photo below, you can see my name wayyyyy down at the bottom. This is one of the ways we can keep track of our progress, although it's all in the online system too.Feel free to read more about Days 1-8 of the 30 Day Yoga Challenge here before continuing on.Here is how Days 9-15 looked for me:
Day 9: 7AM Flow ClassHow can you use yoga to help find your balance? And, what types of classes do you think will balance you out and why?I can use yoga to help find my balance by being as present as possible and using a mantra/intention to carry me through class. I can also be sure to take my practice off the mat into everyday life by reminding myself of what I learned earlier that day in class.A lot of times I revisit whatever the instructor said in class that stuck with me as a reminder/mantra throughout the day.Day 10: 8:45PM Flowdown ClassWhat is your favorite asana (posture) and why?I have a few!I love heart openers a lot these days with blocks under my head and shoulders. I also love moves that incorporate side twists, as well as down dogs and child's poses.Oooo, happy baby too.I'm all over the place, haha.
Day 11: 8:00AM Flow ClassWhat did you learn about yourself in class today?As the season changes, so do our yoga practices. This could mean we need slower classes. That was sort of an ah-hah moment for me. I was going hard for the first 10 days or so of the challenge, and decided I finally needed to chill out a bit.I ended up taking two "chill" classes in a row and it really helped to reset me for the next week.Gotta listen to what your body needs...Day 12: 9:45AM Chill ClassWhat is your biggest fear and how can yoga help you face it?Hmmmm...I guess my biggest fear would be that my life won't roll out the way that I see/hope it too. I know that's such a big/silly thing to worry about, but I tend to always overanalyze the way my life's going and hope that it ends up being what I want for myself.Yoga can help me face it by opening me up to new opportunities that maybe weren't "on" my path but are necessary for my journey. Yoga can make me less freaked out by the mystery of life and more excited about what I have/will do soon.
Day 13: 9:30AM Chill ClassHave you said hi to a stranger today?Yes actually! I was grocery shopping around 1pm on that Sunday and my cart kind of knocked into an older man's cart, so I looked at him and said, "Hi!" He smiled and moved on his way. I have a soft spot for senior citizens. :) (Also, I miss having grandparents... :( )Day 14: 7AM Flow ClassWhat's your favorite type of class and why?Oh, this one changes day to day. Some days I need a power yoga class, while other times I crave a restore/chill class.I would say though, that overall, I do tend to like flow/chill classes, because I love getting really stretchy in my poses and then slowing down at the end as a treat. For me yoga is largely meditational, so the slower-paced classes help me focus on that aspect.Day 15: 7AM Flow ClassHow do you nourish yourself after practice?Besides water and coffee, I always am pretty starving after class around 8:30, so I tend to make myself a good, hearty breakfast like avocado toast, peanut butter oatmeal, or an acai bowl. (Check out my go-to breakfasts here.)I do find that when I practice yoga regularly, I eat better and give food more careful thought.I think they just go hand in hand. When you treat your body right with exercise, you tend to want to nourish it right too. Win, win. :)On to Week 3 I go...Hope you have a great Wednesday and I'll see you back here on Friday with a fun post.Keep goin',Ari
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