Snapshots From My 30th Birthday
Heyyyyyy! And, Happy Monday. :) How are you all doing?I feel like it's been more than just a couple days since I last posted. Probably because this weekend was PACKED with my 30th birthday festivities.(Feel free to read my post last Friday about what turning 30 means to me here.)Instead of blabbering on this morning, I wanted to just let you see how I spent the first days of my thirties, so here are some snapshots from Saturday and Sunday.SATURDAY, I took a fun Zumba class with my dance friends and it was the best way to kick off the bday weekend. I hadn't been in awhile so it was a much needed workout.I love love love to dance.Later that day, we went to Montrose's Oktoberfest for a fun time with some of our close friends.
We enjoyed some beer, Bavarian pretzels and sausage, and just walking around the festival to check out the music, rides, and bands. We ended up back at our place later for cake, drinks, and just an all-around great time.By the end of the night, I felt like I rang in 30 just right—and it wasn't even my actual birthday. Haha! Sunday was. :)SUNDAY was more of a chill start to my thirties which was much-needed after the following night. ;)Sam and I grabbed coffee at Starbucks (you get a free bday drink if you're a Rewards member) and then hung out at home for most of the morning.I was so touched to receive and open so many sweet cards and gifts this weekend. Like, wow.Balloons, flowers, piñatas, cards, cake, cookies, wine, and just too many sweet gifts from the loveliest people.[gallery ids="9614,9663,9664,9665" type="square" orderby="rand"]I have the best people in my life and even from so far away, people sent lovely things and called to wish me the best. It was greatly appreciated!You guys sure know how to make a girl feel special—and 30. Lol!Anyway, Sam wanted to take me out to Malibu for a beachfront lunch so we went to Moonshadows around 1.It was beautiful, to say the least. The day was so sunny and simply sweet.Check out the view from our table. The waves were huge!
Another nice view ;)
Their pumpkin tortellini was amazinggggg! That sage brown butter sauce though.... mmmmmm...
Sam forgot his sunglasses...
Did I mention I'm a beach bum?
I'm 30, ahhhh!Bring on this new decade.And, thanks to everyone who makes my life so full.Love,Ari
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