What I'm Wicked Into: Random Snapshots From The Past Couple Weeks

Happy humpday!How's everything going this week?Thanks for checking out my post about my 30th birthday and for helping me celebrate. It was definitely one of my best yet!

Every now and then, I like to get a little random on the blog and just give you a glimpse into my everyday life. (I did this a couple weeks ago in this post here.)I figured it'd be fun to do it again, so in no particular order, here are some random snapshots from the past couple weeks taken on my phone:1. I recently got my hair cut and colored by my amazingly talented friend Holly and have been loving it ever since.I went with a more layered cut and a medium-brown balayage. Pretty easy to maintain, and looks good straightened and curly. 20170926_191651_resized20170926_193529_resized20170926_212046_resized.jpgIf you're looking for the right person to get your hair did, she's your girl!2. When I was at the Glendale Americana last week, I was a little bummed when I waited forever for my Dragonfruit bowl only to find it covered in sunflower seeds.... (I'm super allergic.)20171001_140335_resizedIt was so pretty and I reallllllly wanted to dig in, but instead I had to get it removed from my check and order something else. :(I ended up getting a different kind of acai bowl at another restaurant.3. For my 30th birthday, my in-laws got me the coolest gift—this wishing ball and gratitude globe.You basically make wishes/give thanks on tiny sheets of paper, roll them up, and then place them in the globe. Love this idea! 
They know me so well to get me a gift like this. :) They must get that I love mindfulness, yoga, mediation, and positivity. Hah.4. My work lunch at Lemonade last week was mighty tasty.20171005_125758_resized.jpgI got their kale and button mushroom salad, broccoli with ricotta salad, and curry chicken salad.I guess I was in a salad-y mood.Oh, and their Watermelon Rosemary Lemonade is ah-mazing. Get it!5. And, this healthy(ish) frozen meal wasn't too shabby either.Have you heard of this brand?20171003_130149_resized.jpgI really liked this meal. I also had their vegetarian curry bowl entree, and that was good too.6. My work view is still, after two years in Burbank, pretty incredible. This is what we see out of the kitchen side of our 10th floor. It's really refreshing to sit here with a coffee and just look out sometimes.20171003_173306_resizedYou're pretty, Burbank. At night, too.20171009_1800497. I'm in love with this Polaroid photo of my friend, Kris, and I. Super cute and old school. Love the vintage look.20170923_215517_resized_1This was taken at the awesome tiki party I went to a couple weeks back.8. This car always makes me laugh. Would you eat a pizza that big? Say yes!20171009_0820119. A Tuesday cup 'o joe at The Village Bakery and Cafe before heading to work. So refreshing to enjoy a full morning by yourself sometimes.20171010_08491010. Sam cracks me up. He's a complete pillow hog. This photo is an accurate look of him on the couch covered in blankets and soft things. Lol!20171010_19145811.  My friend, Caitie, sent me a sweet surprise—wine from one of our favorite Napa Valley wineries, Hook & Ladder.20171010_191113Long story short: I visited Napa with Caitie in Spring 2016 and I brought wine back for Sam and I to enjoy on our June cruise together. Well, once we went on our cruise (right after getting engaged), they told us we couldn't bring alcohol on that wasn't already previously checked, so we had to hand over our NAPA VALLEY WINE BOTTLES. Complete devastation.I think that's why this gift means so much to me now. We can finally enjoy the bottle I've been looking forward to having with Sam for over a year!! A-MEN to that.12.  Sometimesssssss, I still eat vegan. "Beyond Burgers" are a dinner we definitely enjoy now, so here's a snapshot of my lettuce wrapper patty covered in avocado.20171010_184937Yes, please.That's it for now, folks.Take it easy the rest of the week, won't cha? ;)Bye for now,Ari
Other Recent Posts:Snapshots From My 30th BirthdayFeel Good Friday: Looking Back On My TwentiesWhat I’m Wicked Into: 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Days 23-30Meet Me On The Mat: The Universe Has Your BackFeel Good Friday: Just Call Me PumpkinWhat I’m Wicked Into: 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Days 16-22


Feel Good Friday: Ditching Sugar Is Hard


Snapshots From My 30th Birthday