Meet Me On The Mat: So What?


Hello friends and it's nice to see you again, Monday morn! ;)

How’s it going today so far?

I still can’t believe it’s November! Where’d this year go? I always feel that way when it hits this time of year... I'm like, huh... how?!

Sam’s out of town this week, actually back in Massachusetts for his vacation week! He booked a flight spontaneously over the weekend after I gave him a gentle nudge-nudge to go for it!

We don’t get to see our families often, so even though I don’t have the week off, I wanted to encourage him to enjoy his week off to the max.

Sure, I may be a bit lonely now this week but I think I’ll manage just fine because I’ve got some fun plans ahead—trivia night, karaoke on Friday, and a tea date over the weekend!

Anyway, before we talk motivation and mantras, here’s a quick look back at my weekend:

FRIDAY we got Thai delivery (Pad See Ew, Yellow Ginger Curry with Chicken and egg rolls) and decided just to kick it. Fridays in have become our standard the past few months, and you know, I don’t hate it.

The weather has been so refreshing and cool, so hanging out in sweatpants and a sweatshirt was a real California treat. Fall has arrived!

SATURDAY we kicked it at home for a bit before I had the idea of going to a bakery for breakfast. I love cute cafes and bakeries, and the idea of just moseying around town sounded really nice.

So we headed toward Atwater Village—an area we used to live closer to when we first moved here—and went to Proof Bakery.img_20171104_100848.jpg

This bakery is so amazing. And, when I say they have the best vegan banana bread, I mean it. We made sure to get a slice to split. Sam agreed when he finally got to try it.

Sam got a biscuit sandwich with ham, pickles, and a creamy sauce, and I got a meat quiche. Omg, both were so good. We somehow got a seat inside (it gets packed), and enjoyed our little breakfast together. Plus, our little walk around Atwater after was fun. There are so many new shops around... very minimalistic and artsy.

Afterwards, Sam booked his flight, let his family know he’s coming home for the week (they're obviously pumped!), and we did a bunch of stuff around our place. Just "adulting" at its finest. Haha!

For lunch, we dug into our Thai leftovers and watched the Bruins.

The rest of the day wasn’t too crazy. Sam wanted to get pizza before his trip, so we made a point to get one to top off our last night together for a week. :(

SUNDAY we got up early and headed to LAX around 5am. That’s an ungodly hour, isn’t it? 6am seems so much later, hah.

After I dropped Sam off, I headed home to get ready for an early yoga class. How did I not just go back to bed? I’m crazy…The class was really challenging, which is normal for any of Jeff's classes. :) He's tough. We were in planks, side planks, and long holds for most of class. We were all grunting in pain, lol. Worth it though.

The rest of the day was just a “me” sort of day. Shopping, taking a bath, and watching silly reality TV. The best. Lol!IMG_20171105_071701_resizedOh, and I made a veggie quiche, which I'll share the recipe for on Wednesday.Here's a sneak peek:20171105_110440_resized


I was listening to the "Off The Vine" podcast with Kaitlyn Bristowe (formerly The Bachelorette) and she had me thinking after she brought up the whole "So what!" mentality.She was basically saying that when things don't seem to be going as planned or someone doesn't care for something you say or do, just say out loud to yourself "So what!"It made me laugh but it also made a ton of sense. When we meet those negative feelings with such a strong and confident "So what!", it really doesn't seem to matter as much after.RKanC1509910940I'm going to start saying it—and you should give it a try too. No harm can come from it! If anything, it'll make you laugh and take life less seriously.The next time someone cuts you off on the freeway, the next time someone says they don't like your new hairstyle, or the next time someone doesn't call you back like they said they would... respond with a "So what!" and move right along. ;)Proud of ya!Ari

 Other Recent Posts:Feel Good Friday: 28 Things About MeWhat I’m Wicked Into: Clove Tea Meet Me On The Mat: You’re Exactly Where You Need To BeFeel Good Friday: Haley Reinhart At The El Rey Theater What I’m Wicked Into: Dishes I’d Drive Out Of My Way For In LA Meet Me On The Mat: Move Closer To The Truth Feel Good Friday: Facial Essentials For Glowing SkinWhat I’m Wicked Into: Butternut Squash With A Twist RecipeMeet Me On The Mat: Who You’re Here To Be


What I'm Wicked Into: A Broccoli Quiche To Eat All Week


Feel Good Friday: 28 Things About Me