Feel Good Friday: Reflecting On The Year


Hey friends!It's Fridayyyyyyyy. :D Always a great feeling knowing you're going into the weekend.Last night was my work holiday party and it was so fun. So much dancing!Anyway, as we near the end of the year, it's always a nice time to look back at the past 12 months and see what you accomplished/did.It may sound like a chore, but I promise there's more to it and reflection is a really good thing to practice.Here are some ideas to help you reflect on 2017.Do them all or pick one you're most comfortable with.1. JOURNAL ABOUT IT:Ask yourself...Did you stick to your New Year's resolution (if you had one)?What are you most proud of?When were you outside of your comfort zone?In what areas of your life did you grow the most?What are some of your most fond memories?Who or what set you back?Did you save any money?Do you feel fulfilled?Did you take care of your health?Did you pick up any new (good or bad) habits?How are the relationships in your life?Are you happy where your life is currently?2.  MEDITATE ON IT:Taking what you can from the above questions and answers, sit with your emotions for a bit in meditation. These are the easiest questions to think over, so it's okay if you're feeling a little wound up from them.If you're like, "How do I even get started with meditation?" you can follow my guided one here.3. GO ON A PEACEFUL WALK... ALONE:This is a form of meditation too, but it allows you to get moving and get out of your head a little.Go somewhere quiet alone and walk it out. Be still with your thoughts and gentle on yourself as you reflect on what the year has (and maybe hasn't) brought you.It's okay if you didn't hit all your goals or work through every issue in your life. This is why reflection is so important—it brings those things to the surface so we can continue working on them.4. MAKE A VISION BOARD:One way to move forward and look to 2018 is with a vision board. A vision board is a creative way to lay out images, words, clippings, photos, and sayings in a way that inspires you and charges you toward your goals.You can set your vision board somewhere where you'll see it often to act as constant source of inspiration. There's no need to wait until the new year to craft this up. Start now!5. MOVE ON:Yeah, you heard me. :DAfter you've reflected, move forward and accept 2017 for what it was.You know what you need to do to hit those goals and accomplish all your personal and professional endeavors in 2018, so make a plan and make it happen!Fresh year, fresh start.Hope this helps you put a nice bow on your year.Be kind with yourself,Ari

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