Feel Good Friday: How I’m Manifesting My Destiny


Gooooood morning, guys!

It's Friday. Pumped for the weekend because, well, I have close to zero plans. Sometimes I just love that. Ya know?Anyway...Lately, I’ve been feeling very ready for change. What that looks like, I’m not sure, but I’ve been researching ways to manifest my feelings and emotions into fruition.

This yearning for change has nothing to do with my relationships in life or anything like that... it’s just centered around my own desire to grow personally.

Some may call me crazy for going this route or even believing that we can manifest our our destiny, but I’ve always been a firm believer in “what you think is what you are/become.”

A few years ago, I was meditating more and really reading a ton of self-care books that set me off on a really spiritual path. (I’ve always considered myself a very spiritual, connected person in that way). Anyway… during that time, a lot of new experiences and positive emotions came my way. I felt more open to change and more alive to whatever was coming my way. Fast forward three years and I’m in a steady place. In no way am I saying that’s a bad thing, but I’ve always wanted to keep pushing for me, so for me… this is a normal pattern.

Last Sunday, I walked into my bedroom and told Sam I’d be in there for awhile—meditating, reading, lighting sage, candles, and just reflecting back on my tarot card reading from a couple weeks back.

I needed some time to get on a track with what it was I was seeking, to get centered so I’d be ready for receive all the good that I was sure was already out there for me.

One of the videos I watched for inspiration was this one.

If you have about 15 minutes of time, I’d consider sitting down with this one for more on manifestation.

Are you a manifester?

Manifesting is being and believing in an experience that you want to be real, and allowing it to come into form. And, everything falls into this category. Small or big. Stay open and receptive to change.

The energy of believing in yourself is attracting the energy we are seeking out of life, so keep your energy vibes positive and high.

To manifest:

  1. Gain clarity of what it is you want.
  2. Get clear on everything blocking you and have courage to see what’s holding you back. What are your limiting beliefs?
  3. Know the universe has your back. I am a "______."
  4. Be relaxed and released. Allow whatever will happen to happen.

If you loved this video, I’ve got a few more goodies for you.- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yiCMxp8Kw4- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNrFMyW0xCA- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9FopgKyAfI

Hope this helps you set out on your path, too!It may sound crazy, but you can manifest just about anything in your life.What are you waiting for?Have a great weekend,AriOther Recent Posts:Feel Good Friday: Reflecting On The YearWhat I’m Wicked Into: Follow My December To-Do List Meet Me On The Mat: You Can’t Do Everything All The TimeMeet Me On The Mat: The Past WeekFeel Good Friday: Keeping It Real What I’m Wicked Into: The Good Getter’s Holiday Gift Guide Meet Me On The Mat: What Are You Thankful For?Feel Good Friday: In Case You Missed It…


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