What I'm Wicked Into: You Gotta Make This Mulled Wine
Mulled wine.You've heard of it, right?NO?!Guys...I don't know how I went 29 years without ever trying it, but last December was the first time I ever tried mulled wine, and well, it was love at first sip.It's legit like the holidays in my mouth—wine, cinnamon, cloves, honey, apples, cider, oranges, and anise. Oh, and it's served warm, which might at first seem odd, but believe me, it's so so good that way. It makes it extra holiday-ish. :)Once I got to looking around for recipes, I realized there were so many different variations. Some seemed more sweet, some more earthy, and some seemed heavier on the fruit—almost like a sangria... which is not what I was going for.I wanted that super festive taste. One that would be perfect for watching a holiday movie or wrapping gifts with.So, when I found Ina Garten's recipe online, I knew I had to go for it. (Ina is one of my favorite chefs to watch.)Here's her recipe from The Food Network:
OhMyGod!This came out so, so delicious. Even Sam was like, "Wow!"
In case you don't like your drinks super boozy, you're in luck. This was just so subtle with its wine flavor. You can really taste everything involved, in fact.If you want, you can even experiment by adding different flavors like vanilla or cardamon. But go light, instead of adding too much of one thing.Anyway, hope you enjoy this one. Actually... I know you'll love it.Do you have your own mulled wine recipes? I'd love to know!Have a great day and cheers!Ari
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