Feel Good Friday: Just An Ordinary Week (And That's Okay)


Hey guys,This week’s been pretty good.It's been an ordinary kinda week.You know what’s funny to me, though, short weeks always feel longer to me for some reason. Would you agree?There's just something about having a Monday off that makes the rest of the week crawl by.

Let’s see…

What else happened this week...Work was fine. Not too crazy. We're kind of at that in-between time between shows so it's the calm before the storm.The weather—for LA, anyway—has been "really chilly." I'm talkin' highs around 60 and the lows around 40. You can definitely feel the nip in the air and people are wearing jackets (for once)!Thanks to Sam for my Free People jacket, perfect for these new temps.I got this coat back in October but honestly, it's been too warm to wear... until now.


I took a few yoga classes this week—Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday—and they were all great. I really do love my morning workouts and how they set me up in a great mood for the day.I did some online shopping (which I rarely do):- A satin pillowcase (to tame these curls)- Living Proof in-shower hair product- Facial night cream- Argan hair oilLots of self-care stuff.

Do you online shop?What else....

What I’ve learned lately is to listen to what I want more and more in yoga class. When the teacher says we can flow on our own or dismiss a move if we don’t feel like doing it, I always take those cues and do what works for me.It feels nice to just do what makes me happy.When you don't compare yourself to others, life is just sweeter.

I don’t really have too much else to say today, so I’ll leave you with this:Even off the mat, just do what makes you feel good.Surround yourself with people that are kind and positive.Eat the foods that make you feel great.Do the work that means something to you.Move away from the things that don’t serve you.Help those who need you.Protect those that are there for you.These are thoughts I try to follow myself.

20180218_205418_resized_1.jpgThey make me feel good just saying them and writing them down. 

Hope these words resonate with you and have you feeling rooted in gratitude.

Have a great weekend,Ari


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