Meet Me On The Mat: What A Cashier Said That I'll Never Forget
Hey friends. :)Happy Monday!It's a fresh week and new opportunities lie ahead. When you really let that sink in, it's refreshing to know that you can make this week whatever you want/need it to be. Relaxing, busy, thoughtful, chaotic, scheduled....What kind of week do you want?For me, I'm craving a relaxing week because I know our weekend ahead is going to involve lots of outings.So you can catch me at home just about every night this week. ;)The past weekend was a good one, although there were some moments on SATURDAY that tested me.I'm not going to go into the nitty-gritty of it, but basically I had an appointment that ended up being really late—like 5 hours late—and it threw off my whole day/mood. I really could feel myself getting worked up, so I knew going to yoga would set my mood right.I made it to class a little late (the parking lot was full, so I had to find parking) but so did a few others. I found a cozy spot near a window and settled into my flow class. The teacher, Katherine, is simply incredible.It was just what I needed to calm down.One hour later, and I was a new person (mentally, anyway... haha).After, I decided... heck, I wanted a pedicure! Sam was at a family party, so I was in no rush to get back home. That, and I hadn't had a pedicure in months.It felt really good to get one. I picked a lavender color that looks super cool.I even had a convo with a girl from class and we gushed over the class/teacher and all the good food in the area (Silverlake).She recommended a vegan spot next door so I went there for their cold vegan ramen. Of course I've had ramen before, but never a cold vegan version. Needless to say, I was intrigued.It had noodles, cold broth, corn, bean shoots, cucumbers, ginger, tofu and sesame seeds.I really liked it. It was the perfect late afternoon/post-yoga meal.The rest of the day we just kicked it together at home and it was a really pleasant evening of TV, talking, and laughing.Sam's the best.SUNDAY I tried to sleep in but didn't do a good job. (What's my prob? LOL) Does this ever happen to you too?I was literally up at 7... on A SUNDAY!!Send help.Anyway, we got breakfast and coffee at Commissary Coffee in Kenneth Village and it was perfect, per usual.I love that area so much. I maybe dream of living there but it is just so..... expensive.So for now, I'll go there for coffee - ha ha ha!
I had a pour over coffee (super strong) and their avocado toast. Both tasty as ever.Sam had an eggy/cheesy sandwich with triple-fried potatoes. Of course, I had a few of those. Duh.A few hours later I met my friends at Zumba.Class was real sweaty and fun! I love dancing a ton, so it felt good to let loose after a somewhat stressful weekend.Later, I went grocery shopping and came home to chill.Our biggest Sunday plans involved making watermelon-jalapeno margaritas and mole chicken corn tacos.Tell me that doesn't sound amazing?!I'll post photos and details next time. ;)The rest of Sunday was spent doing some more work from home, but I'm happy to report that my weekends (as far as I can see) are free from work for a bit. Phew. I get my weekends back!Things I'm excited for this week:- The Bachelor episode tonight!- Picking up my bridesmaid dress for my bestie Rebecca's wedding- Planning some trips later in the year (nothing far/extravagant but gotta get started booking)- A work outing on Friday night with all of us that have worked tirelessly in February- A friend's housewarming party on Saturday night
MEET ME ON THE MAT: "I'm alive and getting paid."

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