What I'm Wicked Into: The Perfect Refreshing Cocktail


Okay...Today's post is a goodie, and you're going to be hooked on the flavor punch, gorgeous look, and overall vibe of this cocktail.On Monday, I mentioned a weekend cocktail that Sam and I made together and it really is just too good not to share.Are you suckers for Mexican food/flavors like us?Well if so, this margarita is probably going to blow you away.I had been telling Sam how I love cocktails with jalapeño and when combined with other fruity tones.20180225_172234_resizedSo we found this recipe and go right to it!NOTE: If you don't like spicy/heat, you can do without the jalapeños, but for me, they really do make the drink special.20180225_172039_resizedMaybe even just lessen the amount so you can get at least a hint of it.Anyway, here you go...

Watermelon-Jalapeño Margarita

(Source: My Recipes)20180225_172106_resized.jpgScreen Shot 2018-02-25 at 3.11.27 PM.pngIt's just so good.I can't wait to make this again when we have people over and see the smiles come to everyone's faces.This is the perfect summer cocktail, so come those summer months, I'll be making this for parties and such.20180225_172510_resized.jpgIf you make it, you have to let me know what you think.;)What other cocktails are you into?I love trying new things with interesting pairings of flavors.Oh, and one more thing.Pair this drink with some mole chicken tacos and you've got yourself the best combo around.20180225_194105_resizedCheers,Ari


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