Feel Good Friday: What My "Me" Day Looked Like
I really needed a day.The kind of day where you make plans for you and only you.Some may call it a "mental health day", but for me.... it was just a "me" kind of day.The last month or so has been a stressful one and I was just ready to take some time to calm my mind doing the things that make me happy.Do you ever feel like you need a day to unwind and get back on track?Anyway, before Tuesday crept around, I set some plans for a peaceful day that would help me de-stress for a bit.It really seemed like the only day that could work with my busy schedule and even though it didn't make for a long weekend or anything, it was going to happen! :)Curious how my "me" day looked?Keep readin'!I started the day with some Philz Coffee. A large Philharmonic hot coffee to be exact. It includes flavors of cardamom, maple, and earth.It definitely hit the spot and gave me a little morning buzz.Man, I love coffee.Next, I headed to North Hollywood for an hour-long massage at Anantara Spa.I decided to go with a Thai/Swedish Combination massage.It was great! I felt like my masseuse really worked out some kinks which I needed.I also booked a 45-minute session in their Infrared Sauna.There are so many benefits to saunas—sweating out toxins, skin purification, pain relief, and relaxation.It gets super hot in there - 140-degrees, but you get used to it and it really does feel good to just sweat out some stress.There was soft music playing in the background and one of the best parts was...The cold eucalyptus towel waiting for me after to cool down with.Seriously heavenly.Afterward, I felt super relaxed and ready for even more peacefulness.
I booked a 1pm tour at the Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens in LA and was really pumped to explore the area after reading about it a few months ago.There were only two other people in my tour and we were chatting in no time. We learned a ton from our guide about spirituality, meditation, and the history of the home.It now serves as a meditation/event space, a school for people getting their Masters and Doctorates, and an outdoor garden for the public.And even better, it's free!I'm a sucker for anything meditative so I was immediately drawn to this pace upon entering.
After the short tour, we had the option of practicing a 20-minute meditation led by a student there. I was game.The meditation leader was amazing. He was very soft spoken, inspiring, and calming. And legitimately, it was the best meditation I've ever had in my life.I was actually "buzzing" with what felt like vibrations/frequencies following it—and so were the other two participants.Super crazy, but that's just really how I felt.I felt like I really sunk into his words and was able to escape my mind's busy chatter for a bit.I thanked Matthew for his meditation before stepping out to explore the labyrinth.Check this thing out!
Have you ever walked a labyrinth?I hadn't.We were given some instructions.Set an intention, prayer, or determine what you were ready to let go of before stepping in. Let go of what you need to let go of as you walk down the left side of the pathway. Follow it, step by step, and keep focusing on what you need/are letting go of. Take your time. There's no rush or time limit. If you need to pass someone, pass them and keep on going. You'll eventually come to the middle. Take a moment to reflect on how you're feeling and then slowly, make your way back... unwinding the same path to the start and absorbing the answers you need around that topic/theme.All in all, this took about ten minutes. But our guide said some people take up to an hour, praying and really searching for what they need answers for.It was a really great experience and I enjoyed the quietness of walking in meditation.Next up, I explored the gorgeous gardens below.
Stunning, huh?I really took my time soaking up all the peaceful areas the garden had to offer, including all the various streams and waterfalls.It was extra nice because no one else was around, so I really got to just enjoy it on my own.Plus, the drizzly, overcast weather was kind of perfect for reflecting.I made my way home for a bit to tell Sam all about my day.Once we got hungry, we had the idea to go grab some happy hour drinks together at a new bar in Burbank called The Empire Tavern.Our drive there was quite lovely. (Don't worry, I wasn't driving when I took these.
The rain really made for some clear views.Here are the Verdugo Mountains.
The bar we went to was super cute and the owner, Dave, was so nice. We chatted it up with him for a good while about the area and all the local restaurants we all loved.We tried a couple different kinds of beers—sours and IPAs—and they were all really tasty.And, we split a few jalapeno pretzel bites to go with!Yummmmm.
Later, we decided wanted some more food, haha... like an actual dinner dinner. ;)So, we went to another place we had never been before—Conrad's Restaurant in Glendale.We've always driven by it and have lived in Glendale for 4.5 years, but never actually stopped in.It was just what we expected and super cozy. It's a 24/7 family style diner with literally everything you'd ever want.I got a Greek wrap and Sam got a Reuben.We called it a night after that because, well, we really just needed a couch to lay down on after a couple beers and heavy food, lol!I gotta say, Tuesday was the best day ever. It gave me the much-needed mental break I needed, starting with relaxation and ending with some fun with Sam.I ended the day recharged and relaxed—and ready to dive into March with an open mind.Sometimes you just need a single day for a fresh outlook.Life can get hectic and it's up to us to wave a flag when we need a break. No one's going to just come along and hand you a free day, so ask for it when you need. Better yet, demand it when you need it. It's healthy to take breaks and quite honestly, none of us can operate at 100% all the time. We're only human.What would your ideal day-off look like? Would you fill it with fun things or do absolutely nothing?Either's fine!With that, have a great weekend and definitely consider a self-care day in your near future.Tell them I told you to. ;)Deep breaths,Ari
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