Life At 27 Weeks

Good morning! I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start. šŸ˜Ž

I really canā€™t believe itā€™s just about May. This year is flying by, in particular the last couple months. It must be all the excitement and anticipation Iā€™m feeling with Baby B on the way. šŸ‘¶šŸ¼

Sam and I will be heading back to Massachusetts for a week next Monday and we are PUMPED. Itā€™s always great getting back to see the fam and all our friends, especially during such an exciting time in our lives. We really want to share it with those we love. Major events definitely bring us backā€”our bachelor/bachelorette parties, our wedding shower, wedding, friendsā€™ weddings, etcā€¦ Theyā€™re all great excuses for a trip. šŸ˜‰

Anyway, weā€™ll have a super busy week back making the rounds to see everyone, and then my mom and mother-in-law are throwing our baby shower, which is the main reason weā€™re flying out! SO excited for that.

Life at 27 weeks pregnant has been really great, guys. I feel lucky that Iā€™ve had such a smooth, pain-free pregnancy so far. (I know things will get more challenging the bigger/further along I get.) Lots of wonderful things have been happeningā€”between exciting changes at work, my yoga training (canā€™t believe it wraps in early June), and all the amazing baby items we have been receiving as early gifts. Nesting is in full force over here.

27 weeks along!

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Since we live in a one-bedroom, Baby B will be getting their own little nook in our room instead of a full-on private nursery. Itā€™s already been cleared out and somewhat organized, so itā€™ll be exciting to see it all come together in the next couple months. At first, we didnā€™t have a theme, but slowly I started adding more ā€œfoxā€ things to our registries and found that I really loved the adorable animal šŸ¦Šā€¦ and, that it was a neutral/unisex theme for our mystery baby.

Lately, Sam and I have been trying to make time for more dates, especially on the weekends when Iā€™m not in my yoga course.

Some close friends with babies have been telling us how date nights are much harder to fit in once the babyā€™s here (duh!), so to make it a priority now.  Weā€™ve always prioritized that anyway, so weā€™ve been continuing to enjoy our quality time together.

Hereā€™s Sam at BeaBeaā€™s for a Sunday breakfastā€¦. at 8am. Yeah, we were up and ready to eat then!

Another thing Iā€™ve been enjoying are alternative coffee drinks for afternoon pick-me-ups since Iā€™ve cut back on caffeine. One of my faves has been iced chais. I mean, Iā€™ve always loved them, but even more now than ever.

All I do is mix equal parts of the Tazo chai latte mix and almond mind. Sometimes I froth the milk, like below. So fancy, huh? šŸ˜

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Our neighbor dropped off this lovely bouquet for us that he made. Heā€™s always raving about the LA Flower District downtown (where you can apparently get really amazing/cheap flowers), so he surprised us with this. Super sweet.

I feel so lucky we have such kind, considerate neighbors. Theyā€™re all really excited for Baby B too, which is cute.

I went to Zumba TWICE this past weekend and it was soooooo fun.

I seriously have the biggest grin on my face when Iā€™m in class. Itā€™s just such a release and when my friends are there to dance withā€¦ itā€™s even better.

Iā€™ve definitely found that I canā€™t move as fast or get as low during some of the dances, but I do what I can and just go with the flow. Such a great workout.

We got some yummy Greek food the other night from Lemon Zest Cafe to celebrate Greek Easter and DAMN, it was good. Sam got a lamb gyro and I had a Greek chicken wrap. Then we split some dolmas and baklava for dessert. It really hit the spot!

We devoured it all. šŸ¤¤

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Not to end on a bummer note, but last week I had a bit of a cold and sore throat, so I kicked it a lot at home. I never take sick days, but decided to take one last Thursday and it was such a good idea. šŸ¤§ My best friends became my couch, OJ, tissues, cough drops, lemon/hot water, tea, and rest. Haha!

Happy to report that Iā€™m feelinā€™ back to norm this week.

Iā€™m always running at full speed and multi-tasking like WOW, so sometimes I need a reminder to take it easy and rest. Just ask Samā€¦ Iā€™m really bad at not doing anything. We joke about it all the time, because even when weā€™re home, Iā€™m always either cleaning, organizing or getting something done WHILE we hang out.

Does anyone else do this?

Wellā€¦ thatā€™s about it for now.

Itā€™s a rainy/dreary one here in LA (for a change), so just easing into the morning with come coffee and breakfast. Hope you have a great day!



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