Meet Me On The Mat: Move Everyday


Hello and Happy Monday!How was your weekend?!I am definitely in the summer/July 4th spirit and am feeling extra proud to be an American (cue song) this week! I'm looking forward to celebrating the holiday with Sam and friends tomorrow.Here's a look back at my weekend.FRIDAY I went to my friend, Emily's, going-away party at Block Party in Highland Park. It was great to catch up with her and more of my Page friends. She's heading off to NYC for a fresh start and I couldn't be happier for her. :)[gallery ids="6249,6248,6247" type="rectangular"]Block Party had a killer back patio that is such a hidden gem. Their bar was BUMPIN'. So many people.  I can't wait to go back!SATURDAY was fun! We met with our friend Val for breakfast at Cindy's in Eagle Rock, which is such a cute spot.I couldn't decide between a sweet or savory dish, so I got both: a buttermilk pancake and a cup of their gumbo soup. Call me crazy, but I loved them both and didn't find it weird, haha!20170701_104553We also split a slice of their derby pie which was loaded with pecans and chocolate. A wild Saturday morning, lol!In the afternoon, I wrote a bunch of thank you cards, checked out our wedding photos (we have over 1600), chilled around the apartment, and blogged a bit ;) Overall, just kicked it which felt good.Later, we decided to have Italian night at home and enjoyed dinner at home in our cozy apartment. We made mozzarella, prosciutto, and tomato paninis and enjoyed some wine.Conclusion: rustic bread is the best bread.20170629_191701_resizedSUNDAY I took a yoga class at 24 Hour Fitness with one of my favorite instructors. Love this class so much and that it's a short walk away.We explored a bit around Pasadena the rest of the day (lunch and a beer at Dog Haus) and then came back home to relax.If I had to sum of this past weekend in one word it would be CHILL.

MEET ME ON THE MAT: Move EverydayAs you guys may already know by now, I love being active and getting my sweat on. It just feels really good to me to move and stay toned. It's not always easy to find the time to get to the gym or even outside for a run, but you know what is...Having the mentality to at least just...4VTGM1499015277.jpgThat can mean doing ab work on your yoga mat, stretching while you watch a movie, or doing squats before dinner.If you make the commitment to just move a little (wherever you are), you'll find that it's always possible to get a little bit of activity into your day.Here are some other ways to "Move Everyday":- arm weights- walk to the store for groceries- take the stairs at work- park further away- do lunges around your apartment or home- challenge yourself to 10-20 pushups during commercial breaks- stretch before you even get out of bedHave the best weekend ahead!Keep movin',Ari


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