What I'm Wicked Into: Foodie Girl
Hello, and happy Wednesday guys!
How was your Fourth of July? We had a great one, though I will say I really really miss Maine and my family this time of year. Maine is like my second home and for 25 years of my life, I spent much of my summers up there. It's hard to not visit as often, but California does have its perks too! ;)For our Fourth, we enjoyed a BBQ with some of out relatives and friends and then watched the fireworks nearby. All in all it was a great, fun day.
As you know by now, I love food. In fact, call me a "foodie"—I'd be flattered if you did.Some of my favorite blogs (Carrots 'N Cake, Peanut Butter Fingers, The Fitnessista) sometimes feature what their daily eats looked like. Though seemingly mundane, I've always loved reading these kinds of posts and thought I’d show you what my meals on Monday looked like, just for kicks!

One more thing... just to be extra clear, I didn’t monitor my food intake for this post, lol. Everything you see is exactly what I ate.
8AM:Before heading to a 9:45am CHILL yoga class with the amazing Katherine, I started my day with a large hot coffee with light cream from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and a new Greek yogurt (Matcha Green Tea) from Trader Joe's.We're super lucky to be surrounded by so many cute coffee shops and stores, so Sam and I grabbed coffee together before he headed off to work. Anytime I can spend more time with him before he heads out makes me happy.
And, then we split their fried chicken (which is why we wanted to go here on a Monday... the only day of the week they make it), collard greens, and cole slaw.
Definitely some of the best fried chicken we've ever had. So moist and the crunchy and well-seasoned breading was just right.I'm so happy we split this. It would have been way too filling otherwise.8PM:No picture of it, but I snacked on a handful or two of frozen blueberries to beat the heat we've been having.So, like I said, Monday included lots of eating out but I wanted to give you a look into my food-journal and show you there's really no perfect day when it comes to food/eating... tomorrow I'll probably eat more greens and add in another workout, but I was glad I let my gut have a little fun for the holidays. ;)Oh and one more note—throughout the day I drank tons of water. I love love love water and find it so very refreshing between workouts and meals, especially in this LA heat. You'll always find me with a water bottle in hand.What does your typical day of eats look like? Do you let yourself indulge from time to time? If so, GOOD!Have a great rest of the day,Ari