Feel Good Friday: What To Expect Out Of Your First Yoga Class


Gooooood mornin' and happy Friday!

How's the weekend look for you?I've got some fun plans starting tonight... one word — karaoke. PUMPED!I wanted to share more about my yoga experience today and shed some light on what it's like to take your first class.armsSo if you've never tried yoga, this post is all for you...

So... taking any new workout class can be intimidating, right? Especially when you just want a good sweat session and you’re not competitive about your workouts.

I remember the first time I took a yoga class out here in LA, I was super unsure of how it would go. LA is a major fitness-focused city with trends all around… I thought, was I trendy enough to take a class here? Would I be able to keep up? And, would the class level be too advanced for me?

If you’ve never stepped foot into a yoga studio/class, here’s an honest take on what I can share about taking your first class.


What should you know about your first yoga class?

  1. Lots of breathing. A large part of yoga is the mindfulness that goes into it. Prepare for a moment (usually at the beginning and/or end of class) that focuses on a meditative state. You'll be told to breathe through each pose. Breath is the basis of yoga.
  2. No matter your skill level, you'll get a great workout. When you look around in class, you may see some people doing crazy inversions (headstands, backbends, etc), but then you’ll also see people in lots of child’s poses, taking it easy. Don't push yourself too far the first time. Sure, take a challenge here and there, but only you know what your limit is. My suggestion is to start with a basic yoga class and work yourself up over time.
  3. It's a serious workout. Stay hydrated. Class can be sweaty and strenuous depending on the type of class you're taking. Be sure to drink water before, during and after. Bring a towel as well.
  4. Embrace the props. Blankets, bolsters, blocks. Whatever you think you might need during class to support you in various poses, grab before class starts. It's better to be over-prepared than be running around looking for props mid-class.
  5. Get out of your own way. Don’t worry about how you look in the poses or if your hair's a mess. Comparing yourself to those in your class will only set you back. Been there, done that. Not worth it!insta.jpg
  6. The right clothing is key. You’re going to be a variety of poses, many of them bent in different angles. Wear comfortable, breathable clothing that won't slip when you're in downward dog. I'd invest in a couple pairs of leggings and tops if you plan on sticking with the practice. Even places like TJ Maxx have great options.
  7.  Be easy on yourself. Yoga is more work than most people think. It's not just stretching, haha! Don't judge yourself. In fact, thank yourself for taking the class. Keep returning and you'll see the small changes your body and mind make. Yoga makes you feel longerrrrrr.
  8. You're going to be encouraged to take your practice "off the mat," which is the best lesson of all. What this means is, whatever relaxation, confidence, and power you feel while practicing on the mat... take it with you into your "real"/outside life. Many instructors will tell you that the moves are just added fun... the mindfulness is the real takeaway.20170511_193648_resized

My advice to you:If you've ever even considered trying yoga, do it. Don't overthink the "what if's"... just be present, breathe, and enjoy the gifts it brings to your life.

There are so many places these days to drop-in for a class, buy a package of classes, or pay monthly. See which studio fits your needs and go for it!

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