Meet Me On The Mat: Make It A Habit
Good Monday morning, everyone!How are you all doing?I hope you had an awesome weekend. It was definitely a fun one over here filled with food, friends, and lots of outdoor time. Care for a quick recap? ;)FRIDAY after work, I did something I rarely ever do at the end of a long work week... I took a CHILL yoga class with an instructor I've never taken a class with before.It was sensational! Really. It was probably the best thing I could have done for myself.Since Sam was streaming a Phish concert from home (I've seen the band 10+ times with him), I knew I wanted to get out and do something for myself, too. :) We're both really in tune with letting each other have our alone time. :DI think what made the class special for me was a combination of Cindy's soothing tone throughout the whole class, the fact that the class was taught basically in the dark, and that I really had a clear mind going in. It was the best kick off to the weekend.Oh, and my new Manduka yoga mat arrived. PUMPED.
I finally caved and bought myself a pretty pricey mat ($75). I figured it was about time and I really felt I had earned it after a couple years of consistently practicing at home and at the studio I belong to.So happy with my purchase!Later on Friday, we just hung out with a couple glasses of beer and pizza. Simple and sweet.SATURDAY we got up pretty early and headed to Chatsworth for a soccer game put on by Budweiser, Sam's company. As lots of his co-workers competed, we cheered on from our seats. I got to chat up some people I had met before and others for the first time, which was cool.Man, it was a HOT day. The Valley really gets crazy hot in the summer.
It was definitely a sports-filled day because after that, we headed to Dodger Stadium for a Dodger's game against the SF Giants. We met up with a couple friends there and really enjoyed an afternoon of cold beer, Dodger dogs, cheering, and laughing. (We're definite Boston Red Sox fans but it's always fun to cheer on LA since we live here!)

This guy put on quite the dancing show to a Prince song... amazing, haha!
Later, I headed to Bed, Bath And Beyond to do some home goods shopping. I walked away with lots of good stuff—new bed pillows, satin pillow protectors, a mattress pad, a bathroom trash can, a kitchen mat, new Rubbermaid containers, a spa-like shower mat, and fuzzy socks.It was fun to do a little shopping with the many generous wedding gift cards we received. (Thanks, everyone!)Dinner looked like this:
Doesn't look like much but times this by two and add TJ's caramel ice cream and it was enough! ;)SUNDAY we met up with some friends for breakfast at Millie's in Silverlake, which has got to be my favorite meal of the day.
I don't know why I ever questioned this—EVER. Haha!
My breakfast was made for the hungriest, lol! A biscuit, rosemary potatoes and a California omelet.
The prettiest drinks: A friend's iced coffee and my iced chai.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning, lounging, blogging, working out at home, and watching TV.That's what Sundays were made for after all, right?MEET ME ON THE MAT: Make It A HabitThere are mornings where my alarm sounds at 6:00am and the last thing I feel like doing is touching my feet to the carpet and heading to the gym or yoga studio. Have you been there, too?For me, my days move more smoothly when it is based all around habits. Just like making myself coffee, breakfast, and making the bed, working out can and should be just as much of my routine as anything else.That’s why recently when my alarm rings, I “make it a habit” to get up and get out the door for my morning workout.
Sure, it’s hard. The room’s still dark and my mind is still a little in dreamland. But, when it’s all said and done, a workout is always worth it.If you make working out a habit, there are no excuses left. It’s just part of your day, your life.Mark your calendar, book classes ahead of time, set alerts on your phone, tell your partner/friends….And then, when these reminders pop up—right in your face—listen to them and GO.It’ll be harder to walk away from your workouts when it’s become a major part of your everyday habit.That's it for now!Hope your week gets off to the best start,Ari