What I'm Wicked Into: Try The World

Hey there and Happy Wednesday. We're half way through the week!This week's been a busy one for sure. We covered a big event at work and then today, I'm volunteering at a food drive for most of the day. Excited for my second year in DTLA lending a hand. :)Got any fun plans for the rest of the week?!Today's "What I'm Wicked Into" post is gonna be a lot of fun to feature. I hinted at it last week on Instagram.Screen Shot 2017-08-02 at 6.21.33 AM.png

Guys... my friend, Margaret, gave Sam and I the coolest, cutest, and most thoughtful wedding gift—"Try The World." Have you heard of this awesome food box subscription?(It seems like there are so many box subscriptions these days, I really love the idea. There's something for everyone: fashion, makeup, food—you name it.)Here's Try The World's concept:"We believe that life is worth celebrating. A new taste, a new city, a new culture - every new discovery enriches our lives. By making it easy to discover products made by artisans around the world, we hope to bring the people of the world closer."Love. that.With each box, you're literally trying a piece of the world.It was so fun to open our first box. I had no idea what to expect, but the name definitely intrigued me.This gorgeous sea foam green box begged to be explored, haha! Also, all the hay hanging out... too cute.20170724_141603.jpgOoooo, Mexico! Hellllllo ;)(I am a fan of Mexican food—big time.)20170724_141615Everything was packaged so neatly and carefully, which made me real happy, hah!My taste buds were screaming.20170724_141657Here's a full of all the 8 Mexican products included in my first Try The World box:- Boing! - Fruit Juice- De La Rosa - Marzapan- Classico Seasoning - Tajin- Snack Sauce - Cantinflas- K'ekua - Mexican Hot Chocolate (if you've never had Mexican hot chocolate, you've gotta! It's a bit spicier than the regular kind and so good)- Serrano & Tequila Salsa Picante  - Zaaschila- De La Rosa - Pulparindo- Salsa Clasica - Bufalo20170724_141843Also included was a recipe pamphlet which was really cool. I plan on making some of these for sure—like the Spiced Fruit Margaritas (recipe here) and Huevos En Salsa. Yum!P.S. Each recipe includes elements from the products in the box.20170724_184451.jpgI'm super excited to see what's in our next couple boxes. It's going to be a creative and explorative couple months in the kitchen. ;)If you want to look into getting your own Try The World box or ongoing subscription, go here.I'll be writing more as the other boxes arrive, so stay tuned. ;)Have a fun one,AriOther Recent Posts:Meet Me On The Mat: Make It A Habit Feel Good Friday: My Favorite California Road TripsWhat I'm Wicked Into: Loaded Potato SkinsMeet Me On The Mat: Lean InFeel Good Friday: The Good Getter Celebrates 6 Months!


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